
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Delhi Technological University

BTech (Part Time) Entrance Examination-2010

Delhi Technological University

(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)

Shahbad Daulitpur. Bawana Road Delhi-110042

Tel: 91-11-27871018 Fax: 91-11-27871023 Web: E-mail:

Eligibility: Delhi Technological University will hold an Entrance Examination for admission to first year of the four year BTech (Part-time) Degree Program in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication Engineering, for the academic year 2010-2011 on 20.06.2010 (Sunday). The candidates, who

1. Have passed State Diploma Examination in Engineering of three years duration &

2. Have served for a period of not less than One year as on 1st day of October, 2010 in an established engineering works/organization, located in the NCT of Delhi and contiguous industrial areas shall be eligible to appear in the entrance examination.

How To Apply: The bulletin of information containing details of the admission procedure, Application form and Syllabi of the Entrance Examination is available from B. Tech (Part-time) office, Room No FW1-FF4, Electrical Engineering Department, wef 15.04.2010 on all working days (Monday to Saturday) between 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm on submission of Crossed Bank Draft/pay order of Rs 750/- issued from State Bank of India only drawn in favour of 'The Co-ordinator BTech (evening) Entrance Examination-2010' payable at Delhi.

Candidates desirous of obtaining the Bulletin of Information by post should send their request to the Deputy Co-ordinator (Admn), BTech (Part-time) Office, Room No. FW1-FF4, Electrical Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 enclosing therewith a self addressed envelope (25 cm X 18 cm) and a crossed Bank Draft/Pay Order for Rs 800/- from State Bank of India only. Request for issue of the bulletin by post should reach the office on or before 29.04.2010.

Important Dates: The last date of Sale of Application Form at DTU in person is 17.05.2010 till 5.00 pm

The completed Application Form should reach the Deputy Co-ordinator (Admn) on or before 17.05.2010 latest by 7.00 pm either in person or by post.

Applications received after 17.05.2010 will not be considered, in any case.

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