Applications are invited form eligible candidaets for admission to following full time M.Tech. Courses (Two Years duration).
The following full time M. Tech. programs of two years duration (i.e. four semesters) will be offered by the institute during the academic session 2008-09.
1. Civil Engineering
M. Tech. (Environmental Engineering) OP-10, SC-3', ST-1, OBC¥-2*, Sponsored Category**-€
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech in Civil Engineering/Environmental Engg. or AMIE Certificate in Civil Engg.
M. Tech. (Water Resources Engineering) OP-10, SC-2, ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Civil Engineering or AMIE Certificate in Civil Engg.
2. Electrical Engineering
M. Tech. (Integrated Power Systems) OP-10, SC-3', ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech in Electrical/Electronics & Power Engg./Electrical & Electronics Engg./Power Electronics or AMIE Certificate in Electrical Engineering
3. Electronics and Computer Science Engineering
M. Tech. (VLSI Design) OP-10, SC-2, ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech in Electronics/Electronics & Communication Engg. /Electronics & Telecommunications/equivalent branch of engineering or AMIE Cert. in Electronics Engineering/AMIETE Certificate in electronics and communication (For stipendiary seats valid Gate score in Electronics & Communications is mandatory) and Written Test /interview conducted by department#
M. Tech. ( Computer Science Engineering) OP-10, SC-3', ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech in any branch of Engineering (For stipendiary seats valid Gate score in Computer Science is mandatory) and Written Test/interview conducted by department#
4. Applied Mechanics
M. Tech. (Structural Engineering) OP-10, SC-3', ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Civil/Structural Engineering or AMIE Certificate in Civil Engineering.
M. Tech. (Structural Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering) OP-10, SC-2, ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Civil/Structural Engineering or AMIE Certificate in Civil Engineering.
5. Mechanical Engineering
M. Tech. (Industrial Engineering) OP-10*, SC-2, ST-2', OBC¥-1, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Mechanical/Industrial/Production/Automobile Engg. or AMIE Certificate in any of the above branches of Engineering
M. Tech. (Heat Power Engineering) OP-10*, SC-2, ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Mechanical Engg. or AMIE Certificate in 5 Mechanical Engg.
M. Tech. (Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing) CAD-CAM: OP-10, SC-3', ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Mechanical/Industrial/Production/Automobile Engg. or AMIE Certificate in any of the above branches of Engineering
6. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
M. Tech. (Ferrous Process Metallurgy) OP-10, SC-2*, ST-2', OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B. Tech. in Metallurgical/Mechanical/Industrial/Production/Chemical Engg. or AMIE Certificate in any of the above branches of Engineering
M. Tech. (Materials Engineering) OP-10*, SC-2, ST-1, OBC¥-2, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B.E. /B. Tech. in Metallurgical Engg/ /Mechanical Engg./ Production/Chemical Engg. /Ceramics & Polymers or M. Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Materials Science
7 Architecture
M. Tech. (Urban Planning ) OP-10, SC-2, ST-2', OBC¥-1, Sponsored Category**-5
Eligibility Criteria: B. Arch. Or B.E. / B. Tech. in Civil Engg. /B.Planning
€ All Seats under sponsored category of M. Tech. (Environmental Engg.) program are reserved for candidates sponsored by Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban Development under CPHEEO scheme.
* one seat reserved for Physically Handicapped candidates .
** For admission under sponsored category, 2 years of full time work experience in the relevant field after attaining qualifying degree is essential.
# All the candidates will have to appear for a written test which will carry a weightage of 30% and GATE score will carry a weightage of 70% for preparation of Merit list.
¥ Admission in OBC category is provisional as per Hon. Supreme court directives and subject to Govt. order
' Admission to increased one seat in commensurate with OBC is provisional as per Hon. Supreme court directives and subject to govt. order
Note: Admission Rounds In All Category Will Start With The Admission of Persons with Physically Handicapped category.
Schedule for various activities related to M. Tech. admissions for the year 2008-09 is given in Appendix I (Refer Prospectus).
Admission of Candidates under Sponsored Category
i) Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria as specified in Table-I will be considered for admission to respective courses under sponsored category.
ii) Under sponsored category the candidates having valid GATE Score shall be given preference over non-GATE candidates for admission (based on their merit), the percentile GATE score forming the basis of the merit list
iii) The candidates must have minimum 2 years of full time work experience in relevant field in which admission is being sought, after attaining the qualifying degree/certificate, in a registered firm/company/industry/ educational and/or research institute/any Government Department or Government Autonomous organization.
iii) A letter from the employer must be furnished stating that the candidate is being sponsored to seek admission to the M.Tech program. The employer should also indicate that the candidate will not be withdrawn midway till the completion of the course and the candidate will be fully under the administrative control of the Institute for the period of the course, and will be paid full salary by his/her employer for the duration of the course.
Details regarding the availability of seats, eligibility conditions, admision procedure, erseratin an dapplicaiton form etc. are available on their website from 2nd June 2008. The applicatio nform for above programs can be downloaded form this site. 3% seats are reserved for Physically Handicapped category. No seats are available for Sponsored catetroy in Enviornmental Engg. Course. In all Categories, the GATE qualififed canidates will be given first prefrence.
Please note that candiaes havin gqualification M.Sc. in Physics, or Chemistry or Materials Science are eligible to apply for the M.Tech course in Mateials Engineering.
The completed application form along with attested copes of relevant documents/ certificates and corssed DD of RS.500/- drawn in favour of The Director, VNIT, Nagpur payable at Nagpur must reach the Dy. Registra (Academic), VNIT, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur-440010 on or before 26th June 2008.
Separate application form must be submitted for each course along with the prescribed fees.
Please also note that:
1. No Separate interview calls will be sent to candidates. They should attend the written test/interview as per the schedule given in this prospectus.
2. Candidates must submit separate original application form with processing fees for seeking admission to each M.Tech Program as given in the Table 1. If a candidate submits only one form for two or more M Tech Courses, it will be considered only for the serially first M Tech Program mentioned in the application form.
3. Hostel accommodation for M. Tech. students is not guaranteed and shall be offered on availability.
4. Attested photocopies to be attached with the application should include the following, as applicable in the same order .
a] GATE score card (For admission on GATE Merit)
b] Qualifying Examination Degree Certificates
c] Mark list of Qualifying Examination
d] Mark list of Pre-Qualifying Examination
e] Transfer Certificate
f] Sponsorship Certificate (for sponsored category)
g] Experience Certificate (for sponsored category)
h] Caste Certificate, as applicable for reserved category. For OBC candidate valid non creamy layer certificate is essential
i] University Migration Certificate
The candidates will have to produce all the above certificates in original at the time of admission.
Important Points Related to M. Tech. Admission
1. Non-GATE candidates who are admitted to M Tech program shall not be eligible for stipend/scholarship.
2. Candidates with valid GATE Score admitted under quota of stipendiary seats (refer table 1) only are eligible for stipend as per rules of the institute.
3. GATE candidates desirous of seeking admission to M Tech program(s) under any of the categories (Except Programs offered by Deptt. Of Computer Science and Electronics) (refer Table 1) are not required to appear for entrance test/interview.
4. Non-Gate candidates desirous of seeking admission to M Tech programs under any of the categories (ref. Table 1) are required to appear for Written Test/Interviews.
5. In all category the GATE candidates will get preference over Non-GATE candidates.
IMPORTANT DATES (M.Tech. Admission 2008-09)
Application Forms to be downloaded from website: Monday, 2nd June 2008 onwards
Last date for submission of application forms: Thursday, 26th June, 2008
The Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) (formerly VRCE), Nagpur is one of the first six Regional Engineering Colleges established under the scheme sponsored by Government of India and the State Governments. The College was established in June 1960 and named after the eminent engineer, planner and statesman of the country Bharat Ratna Sir M. Visvesvaraya. Over the years, this Institution has gained recognition as an important National Institution in the field of Technical Education & research. Apart from imparting professional education at Under Graduate and Post Graduate levels, the Institute has been extending available expertise to various Govt./Semi-Govt. and private organisations through testing and consultancy works. The Institute also organizes short term courses and seminars for the benefit of those in the profession. The Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology is enacted under NIT act 29 of 2007 by Govt of India.
VNIT has a beautiful campus of about 214 acres near Ambazari Dam. All departments and laboratories are housed on the campus. Hostel accommodation for students as well as residential accommodation for teaching and non teaching staff of the Institute is available on the campus. The campus has retained and increased its green cover, rich in flora and fauna, and provides an attraction for bird watchers.
VNIT Academic Programs:
The institute offers four year undergraduate programs in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mining Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering and five year course in Architecture. In addition, full time M. Tech. programs (4 semesters) are offered by various departments. The institute is a recognized centre for post graduation (M Tech) by research and doctoral research. A three year Ph.D. program under QIP scheme is offered in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Metallurgical & Materials Engineering.
The laboratories in various departments have excellent research and testing facilities. Under the Institutional Network Scheme of Govt. of India the institute has acquired highly sophisticated equipments for various Departments in consultation with IIT s. Under modernization program, new equipments have been added to various laboratories in the recent years. The institute has adequate number of highly qualified and trained faculty of national and international repute and proven capabilities in various disciplines. The faculty keep themselves abreast of the latest technological developments in the country and abroad through participation in various activities like seminars, conferences, training programs, guest lectures, etc. The faculty has been regularly contributing papers to the research journals of high academic repute. VNIT has been selected as a lead institute in World Bank Project under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP).
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Post-MBA Program in Creative Management Admission 2008
Alandurai, Coimbatore 641101, Tamil Nadu
Tel: (0422) 2651062 , 6576484, 09486989283
‘Cats’ to ‘Super-Cats’
Post-MBA Program in Creative Management
IF a world-class MBA makes you a ‘manager’, training in Creative Management will make you a ‘competent manager’, a ‘creative leader-manager’.
Not a doubt, competitive organizations across the world require creative leader managers. Great corporate leaders + researchers in management have been strangely insisting a ‘creative paradigm shift’ in management education since 1990.
Geniustemple of Creative Management has designed that ‘creative shift’ and successfully tested-verified over the last 15 years. Evidence is the remarkable placement and career-growth of all the trainees of Geniustemple.
The nucleus of the Geniustemple Program in Creative Management is a method [‘Creative Entelechy’] that trains the creative processes of intelligence-intellect-mind-spirit.
The trainee becomes ‘intelligence-empowered’ and ‘discovery-competent’; therefore, in ‘perfect control’ anywhere, everywhere – like a super cat.
Only 15 Seats: MBA equivalent OR Degree+ minimum one – year in work or significant role in NCC-Scout-Guide-NSS entrepreneur family background leadership in school-college, clubs-association, political bodies, NGOs Proficiency in literature, music, performance arts, sports, games etc.
For Prospectus + Application Form, send hand-written request with Rs.300/- DD favouring Geniustemple of Creative Management, Coimbatore – payable, before 30, June 2008.
See details in
Geniustemple of Creative Management
Alandurai, Coimbatore 641101, Tamil Nadu
Tel: (0422) 2651062 , 6576484, 09486989283
School of Computer Science, DAVV
BCA, M.Tech (Computer Science), Research, MSc IT, MBA (CM), PGDCAPGDSE Admission 2008
Takshashila Campus, Khandwa Road,
Indore (M.P.) 452017 India
Tel: +91 731 2470027 , 2461548. Fax: +91 731 2761358
School Of Computer Science Announces Various New Professional Programmes from July-2008.
Courses Offered:-
The school shall offer admission under departmental level in following Programmes in academic year 2008-09 :-
Undergraduate/Modular Programmes after 10+2 :
1.Master of Science(Information Technology) [M.Sc(IT) (Modular)](5 Yr)
2.Bachelor of Computer Application [B.C.A] (3 Yr)
3.Bachelor of Computer Application [B.C.A (Hons.)](4 Yr)
Post Graduate Computer Science Programmes :
1. M.Tech Courses
* M.Tech (Bioinformatics)(2yr.)
* M.Tech (Computer Science) (2yr.)
* M.Tech (CS) [Specialization in Information Architecture & Software Engineering](2yr.)
* M.Tech (CS) [Specialization in Network Management & Information Security] (2yr.)
* M.Tech (Computer Science) by Research(2yr.)
2. Master of Science(Computer Science) [M.Sc.(CS)](2yr.)
3. Master of Science( Information Technology) [M.Sc.(IT)](2yr.)
4. Master of Business Administration [ MBA(CM)](2yr.)
5. Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application [PGDCA](1 yr.)
6. Post Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering [PGDSE](1 yr.)
Students admitted in any specialization programme can choose for another specialization programme depending upon their interest and progress, provided they fulfill the eligibility requirements, and have earned required credits under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Admission Notice for M.Sc.(Biochemistry) and Ph.D.(Biochemistry) Programmes
Takshashila Campus, Khandwa Road, INDORE 452017 (M.P) INDIA
Phone: 0731-2460276 , 2368751, Fax: 0731-2470372
Admission Notice for M.Sc.(Biochemistry) & Ph.D.(Biochemistry) Programmes in School of Biochemistry.
School of Biochemistry is an independent school offering M.Sc. (Biochemistry) and Ph.D. (Biochemistry) programmes. The postgraduate course is of two years duration, slit in four semesters including project work in the last semester. The curriculum designing has wide applicability to various disciplines, which require biochemistry background. The syllabus covers all the major areas of Biochemistry including basic, advanced as well as specialized courses.
Biochemistry is mainly research field and after post graduation the student have opportunity to join Ph.D. programme. After M.Sc, the student may find openings in pharmaceutical and food Industries, bioinformatics, medical field etc.
For Admission to M.Sc. Biochemistry course application forms will be available from the school on payment of Rs.300/-, if required by post) in the form of demand draft in favour of "Registrar, DAVV, Indore". The completed forms should be addressed to the Head, School of Biochemistry, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road, Indore 452017. the School will conduct the entrance test on 4 July 2008 at 11 AM.
The Science graduates with chemistry and any two of biology subjects, such as Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology etc. and having minimum 55% marks in aggregate of three years are eligible for admission to the course. The candidate must submit photocopies of all the mark sheets with the form, otherwise the candidature will not be considered.
All admissions are based on merit prepared form score in the entrance test plus B.Sc.% plus weightage, if any. Last five candidates as per merit under are admitted under self-finance category. Separate merit list is prepared for reserve category. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC and other are as per government policy.
Number of Seats: Regular -20, Self Finance: 5
Fees structure: As per university rules for regular course fees. For Self Finance category, in addition to regular fee, approx. Rs.2500/- per semester is charged.
Note: No admit card issued. No Interview is held for admission. List of selected candidates will be displayed on the notice board. Originals will be required at the time of admission.
LAST DATE: 25-06-2008
Admission Notice For M.Sc.-M.Tech.-M.Phil Programs 2008
[General Information about Admission Procedure]
Admission Notice For M.Sc.-M.Tech.-M.Phil Programs in School of Physics
The aim of the School is to provide the facilities for the higher studies in Physics to the students, Scholars and scientists. They can avail the facilities for the understanding of the recent and especially thrust fields of research in the subject. We offer various courses for the students suiting to their different needs. Pursuit of research is a important activity of the school;.
The school offers the following programmes.
M.Sc.(Physics): Four Semester Full Time Course
M.Sc.(Physics-Material Science): Four Semester Full Time Course
M.Sc.(Physics by Research): Four Semester Full Time Course (One semester course work and three semester project work)
M.Tech.(Laser Science and Applications): Four Semester Full Time Course
M.Phil(Physics): Two Semester Full Time Course
M.Sc.(Physics): B.Sc.(Physics and Mathematics) with 50% Marks.
M.Sc.(Physics-Material Science): B.Sc.(Physics and Mathematics) with 50% Marks.
M.Sc.(Physics by Research): Candidates working in research organization with 50% marks in B.Sc.(Phy. & Math’s)
M.Tech.(Laser Science and Applications): M.Sc.(Physics/Applied Physics/Electronics), B.E./ B.Tech(Electrical/Electronics) With at least 55% of marks.
M.Phil(Physics): M.Sc.(Physics/Applied Physics) with 55% marks.
NOTE: Candidate whose results are awaited can also apply for provisional admission.
M.Sc.(Physics Physics by research Physics-Material Science) :
On the basis of the performance in the interview. A screening entrance test will be held as per schedule given below. Candidates with First Class in B.Sc. will be directly interviewed. Others will be called for interview after successfully clearing a written test. M.Sc. (by research) candidates must be an employee in a scientific organization of national repute.
M.Tech.(Laser Science and App.):
Selection will be based on comprehensive interview of GATE qualified candidates. Those without GATE qualifications will be interviewed after clearing a written test conducted by the School.
Preference will be given to GATE qualified candidates.
M.Phil (Physics):
On the basis of entrance examination conducted by the School followed by a comprehensive interview.
Application form for M.Sc., M.Sc (by Research),M.Phil. programmes can be obtained by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.300/- drawn in favour of the Registrar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
.Applications duly completed in all respect, must reach by June 25th , 2008 at the following address.
Application form for M.Tech (Laser Science &Applications) programmes can be obtained by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.300/- drawn in favour of Registrar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
.Applications duly completed in all respect, must reach by June 25th , 2008 at the following address.
The Head Tel: 2467028
School of Physics,
Vigyan Bhawan, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya,
Khandwa Road, Campus, Indore-452017. E-mail:
Questions in the test will be objective/short answer type and will be based on the understanding of the subject. Questions will be drawn from topic covering the subject material up to the last degree obtained. A sample set of questions is attached herewith. Applicants must report at School of Physics for their respective entrance examination as per the following schedule:-
M.Sc (Physics)
Date: 1 / 7 / 2008 11:00 AM at School of Physics
M.Sc (Physics-Material Physics)
Date: 1 / 7 / 2008 11:00 AM at School of Physics
M.Tech (Laser Science &Applications)
Date: 4 / 7 / 2008 09:00 AM at School of Physics
M.Phil (Physics)
Date: 8 / 7 / 2008 11:00 AM at School of Physics
M.Sc ( Physics by research)
Date: 9 / 7 / 2008 11:00 AM at School of Physics
At the time of admission all the essential (original )documents will be required .Results of the entrance examination will be declared on the same day. Successful candidate must deposit the fee on the following day latest by 4 P.M. failing which their admission will be treated as cancelled. The vacant seat will be offered to the students in the waiting list.
This application form should be treated as your call letter for entrance test. No further intimation will be given for the same
DEVI AHILYA VISHWAVIDYALAYA, Institute of Engineering and Technology
ADMISSION to MSc (Applied Mathematics) PROGRAMME, 2008-09
Khandwa Road, Indore MP 452017,
ADMISSION to MSc (Applied Mathematics) PROGRAMME, 2008-09
Applications are invited in the prescribed format for admission to 2-Year (4-Sem) MSc(Applied Mathematics) programme with specialization in Computing & Informatics under Faculty of Engineering. The application form and other details may be obtained from the Institute office by paying Rs.300/- (Rs.350/- by post) by DD in the name of “Registrar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya” payable at Indore or by downloading the form from or in which case the DD must be enclosed along with filled application form.
Eligibility: 12th passed in Mathematics and BSc/BSc(Hons)/BCA with Maths/IT/Comp/Stats and with min 45% Marks in Aggregate.
An entrance test shall be held in the Institute at 10:30 AM on 05 July 2008. There are total 30 seats with reservation as per norms.
The last date of receiving filled application form at the Institute is 25 June 2008.
MSc (Applied Mathematics) Programme offered (2008-09)
For further details please contact:
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya
Institute of Engineering & Technology
Khandwa Road Indore(MP) 452017 India
Tel: +91 731 2366800 , 2462311 Fax: +91 731 2764385
Admission Notice for Regular Courses.
Applications are invited for admission to the following regular courses offered by the University for the year 2008-2009.
1 Adult Education:
(i) Diploma in Interior Design
ELIGIBILITY: 10+2 with 50%
2 Advanced Liberal Studies:
(i) M.Phil. (Part time ) in English, Geography , History, Home Sc., Music, Political Sc. , Sanskrit, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Urdu, Social Work (2 sem, 60 seats each)
ELIGIBILITY: P.G. with 48%
(ii) Master of Social Work (4 sem 35 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(iii) Diploma in Labour Law & Personal Mgt. (2 sem 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: LL.B. with 48% or PG with 50%
(iv) Diploma in Guidance & Counseling (2 sem 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.A.(Psy.) with 48%
(v) Diploma in Human Rights (2 sem 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(vi) Diploma in Consumer Psychology & Advertising (2 sem 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50% (with Psychology / Economics / Sociology / Commerce)
(vii)Bachelor of Social Work (6 sem 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: 10+2 with 45%
3 Comp. Lang. & Culture:
(i) M.A. Functional Hindi Translation & Literature (4 sem 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with II div.
(ii) M.A. (Sanskrit ) (4 sem 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with II div.
(iii) P.G. Diploma in Translation (2 sem 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with II div.
(iv) M.Phil (Hindi Lit.) (3 sem 30 seats)
4 Economics: (ii) M.Phil.(Economics ) (2 sem 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.A. (Eco.) with 50%
(i) M.A. Economics ( with Computer Appl.) (4 sem 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 45%
5 Education (i) M.Ed. (2 sem 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Ed. with 55%
(ii) M. Phil. (2 sem 16 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.Ed. with 55%
6 Journalism & Mass Comm.:
(i) M.A. in Mass Comm. (4 sem R-25/S-10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(ii) Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Comm. (2 sem R-25/S-5 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(iii)B.A. (Hons.) Mass Comm. (6 sem R-25/S-10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: (10+2) with 50%
(iv) M.Phil Mass Comm. (2 sem 25 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.A.(Mass Comm.) with 50%
6 Journalism & Mass Comm.:
(i) M.A. in Mass Comm. (4 sem R-25/S-10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(ii) Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Comm. (2 sem R-25/S-5 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(iii)B.A. (Hons.) Mass Comm. (6 sem R-25/S-10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: (10+2) with 50%
(iv) M.Phil Mass Comm. (2 sem 25 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.A.(Mass Comm.) with 50%
7 Law : (i) B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) (10 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: 10+2 with 50%
(ii) LL.M. (4 sem, 35 seats)
ELIGIBILITY:LL.B.or B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) with 55%
(iii) M.Phil Law (2 sem, 15 seats)
8 Library Science: (i) M.L.Sc. (4 sem, 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 45% (students of B.L.Sc. can be considered for admission in II year)
9 Bio-Chemistry: (i) M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry (4 sem, R-20/S-5 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc.(Bio-Group)with 55%
10 Chemical Sciences : (i) M.Sc. (Chemistry ) (4 sem, 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. with 50%
(ii) M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry) (4 sem, 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. with 50%
(iii) M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (4 sem, 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. with 50%
11 Life Sciences: (i) M.Sc. (Life Sc.) (4 sem, 15 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. (Bio Group) with 55%
(ii) M.Sc. (Industrial Microbiology ) (4 sem, 10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. (Bio Group) with 60%
12 Mathematics : (i) M.A./ M.Sc. (Mathematics) (4 sem, 45 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.A./B.Sc. Maths with 50%
(ii) M.Phil. (Mathematics) (2 sem, 10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.A./M.Sc. ( Maths.) with 60%
13 Physics : (i) M.Sc. (Physics) (4 sem, 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. (Physics & Maths) with 50%
(ii) M.Sc. (Physics/Material Sc.) (4 sem, 15 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. (Physics & Maths) with 50%
(iii) M.Sc.Physics (By research) (4 sem, 10 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. (Physics & Maths) with
(iv) M.Phil (Physics) (2 sem, 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.Sc. (Phy./App Phy.) with 55%
14 Statistics : (i) M.A./M.Sc. (Statistics) (4 sem, 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.A./B.Sc.(Maths/Stat/Comp.Sc.)with 50%
15 Energy & Envir. Stud. (i) M.Phil (Energy & Env) (2 sem, 13 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.Sc.(Environment Sc)with 45%
16 Future Studies & Planning :
(i) M.Sc. (Science Comm.) (4 sem, 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc./B.C.A with II div.
(ii) MBA Business Forecasting (4 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduation with 50% marks and Maths at 10+2 level
(iii) PG Diploma in Science Comm.(Distance) (2 sem, 200 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. with II div.
17 Institute of Management Studies :
(i) M.B.A. (Distance Education) (6 sem, 500 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 45%
(ii) M.B.A.(Executive) (4 sem, 120 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 45%
18 Electronics
(i) M.Sc. (Electronics) (4 sem, 40 seats)
(ii) M.Sc. (Electronics & Comm.) (4 sem, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: 50% marks in BCA or B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.) (with Maths and one subject from Com p.Sc./ Elex ./Phy./Comp.Maintenance/Elex.Equipment Maintenance)
19 Commerce : (i) M.Phil (Comm.) (3 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: M.Com. with 48 %
(ii) M.Com.(Accounting & Financial Control) (4 sem, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline with II div.
(iii) M.Com.(Banking Mgt.) (4 sem, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline
(iv) P.G.Diploma in Retailing (2 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline
(v) P.G. Diploma in Computer Based Accounting (2 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline
(vi) P.G.Diploma in Insurance & Banking ( 2 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline
(vii) P.G.Diploma in Financial Service ( 2 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline
20 Bio-Technology (i) M.Sc.(Genetic Engg.) ( 4 sem, 20 seats)
Bachelor degree under 10+2+3 pattern in Bio. Sc./ Phy.Sc. /Agr.Sc./ Veter.Sc./Fish.Sc. with 55% candidates having Engg./Tech./Pharm.
Graduation/4 yrs. B.S.(Physician Asstt./MBBS/BDS with 55%)
For details visit
21 Computer Sc. (i) M.Sc.(Computer Sc.) ( 4 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.C.A./B.Sc./B.Sc.(Hons.) with 60% (with Maths and any one from Comp.Sc./Physics/IT/Comp.Maint./Elex/Equpt.Maint.
(ii) M.Sc.(IT) (4 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.C.A./B.Sc./B.Sc.(Hons.) with 50% (with Maths and any one from Comp.Sc./Physics/IT/Comp.Maint./Elex/Equpt.Maint.
(iii) M.B.A.(CM) (4 sem, 60 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with 50%
(iv) PGDCA (2 sem, 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with II div.
(v) PGDSE (2 sem, 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduate with Sc. With II div.
(vi) M.Sc.(IT) (10 sem, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: (10+2) with Physics & Maths with 50%
(vii) B.C.A. (6 sem, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: (10+2) with Physics & Maths with 50%
(viii) B.C.A.(Hons.) (8 sem, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: (10+2) with Physics & Maths with 50%
22 IET : (i) M.Sc.(Applied Maths) (4 sem, 30 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: B.C.A.,B.Sc., B.Sc.(Hons.) with 45% with maths/IT/statistics or equivalent.
23 Physical Education (i) B.P.E ( 3 Yr, 40 seats)
(ii) M.P.E (2 Yr, 30 seats)
(iii) M.Phil (1 Yr, 20 seats)
24 Yoga Kendra:
(i) Diploma in Yoga Education ( 1 Yr, 40 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduation with 45% marks
(ii) M.A./M.Sc. in Yogic Science ( 4 sem, 20 seats)
ELIGIBILITY: Graduation with one year Diploma
Application forms may be obtained from respective Head of School/Director of Institute by paying DD of Rs. 300 (in person) or Rs 350 (by post) per course drawn in favour of "Registrar , Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya , Indore". Details regarding admission procedure, fees etc. will be provided along with application form. The application forms may be procured from May 15 ,2008.
Application form may also be downloaded from the website: . Downloaded application forms should be accompanied with a DD of Rs. 300 in favour of Registrar , Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalay a , Indore.
All the School of Studies/Institutes are situated at Takshashila Campus, Khandwa Road , Indore-452 001. The School of Economics is situated at Nalanda Campus, R.N.T. Marg , Indore –452 001 and the Institute of Education at Agra-Mumbai Road, Indore.
Reservation as per State Government Rules
Application form complete in all respect must be submitted to the respective Head of School / Institute LATEST BY 25th June, 2008. Admission test / Interv iew will be conducted by individual Schools/ Institutes.
Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL)
Admission 2008 for Postgraduate Programs (2 years / One year Six Months)
Symbiosis Bhavan, 1065 B, Gokhale Cross Road,
Model Colony, Pune-411016, Maharashtra, India.
Tel : 020 - 6621 1000 . Fax : 020 - 6621 1040 / 41
Be a student of the Symbiosis World Campus
Admission 2008
Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning is one of the most popular autonomous distance learning institutes of India with main campus in Pune and new campuses in Bangalore and Nasik. It is an autonomous institute reputed globally for pioneering innovative programs and methodologies in distance learning. It is trusted by over 1,65,000 students and leading corporates across 42 countries worldwide. SCDL offers a chance to enhance your career and life through the medium of quality distance education. The blended learning programs of SCDL comprise enriching e-learning modules, integrated learning, online exams & assignments and comprehensive self learning material. SCDL is a recognized distance learning Institute by Distance Education Council (DEC).
Admissions open to Symbiosis Distance Learning Programs
Two Year Postgraduate Programs:
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA)
Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (PGDIB)
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT)
Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration (PGDEA) (New)
One Year & Six Months Programs:
Post Graduate Diploma in Insurance Management (PGDIM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management (PGDRM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Customer Relationship Management (PGDCRM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Instructional Design (PGDID)
Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management (PGDSCM)
Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship Development & Management (CPED) (6 months)
Post Graduate Diploma in Pre Primary Teacher's Training (PGDPTT) (New)
Advanced Diploma in Creative Writing in English (ADCW) (Postgraduate) (New)
Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCW) (for age group 16 years and above or 12th Std pass) (New)
Salient Features : Curriculum at par with full-time programs. Interactive e-learning module - Online exams and online assignments for flexibility and convenience - Professionally managed student care center - Pre-recorded lectures from expert faculty on important courses - Specially designed program for corporates.
Prospectus and Application Form are available at the SCDL office and select AXIS Bank branches mentioned below on payment of Rs.900/- by cash or by Demand Draft of Rs.1100/- in favour of "The Director, SCDL," payable at Pune, (India)" for receipt by post or courier within India, or US $ 75 for receipt outside India.
Walk-in admissions at the SCDL office, Pune from Monday to Saturday between 11 a.m. & 4 p.m. till 19th July 2008.
Prospectus and Registration fees are non-refundable. Any judicial dispute would be subject to Pune Jurisdiction only.
Prospectus sale is subject to availability. SCDL is an autonomous institute.
All SCDL programs are autonomous.ate admissions at the discretion of the Director, SCDL For details log on to
Ms. Swati Mujumdar
Director, SCDL
For details log on to or contact the other centres:
Bangalore: Banashankari, CT Bed Ext, Basaveshwar Nagar, Indira Nagar, Jaya Nagar, Yelahanka, New Town, Belgaum: Tilakwadi, Chennai: Nr.Adyar Bus Depot Shastrinagar, Anna Nagar, Anna Salai, Opp. Spencer.s Plaza, Madipakkam, Ramapuram, Purasawalkam, TNagar GN Chetty Road, Coimbatore: Pappanaickan Palayam, Goa: Panjim, AB Road, Opp Hotel Nova, Vasco-Da-Gama, Swatantra Path, Hubli: Deshpande Nagar, Hyderabad: Charminar, Gulzar House,Jubilee Hills Road No.71,Kukatpally, Dharmareddy Colony, Kochi: Rajaji Rd., Ernakulam, Mangalore: Bunts Hostel Circle, Essel Towers, Secundarabad: LPF House, Rashtrapati Road, Tarnaka, Trichy: Thillai Nagar, Thiruchirapally, Thiruvanantpuram: Pattom PO, Vijaywada: Ring Road, Near Benz Circle, Vishakapatnam: Vizag, Gajuwaka
SCDL does not have any franchisees anywhere except its won campuses in Pune, Nasisk & Bangalore.
No Capitation is charged for admission to any course at any institute of Symbiosis.