MBBS, BDS, BSc. Nursing Admissions 2010
Christian Medical College (CMC) Ludhiana invites applications for Admission to MBBS- (50 seats), BDS (40 seats), B.Sc. Nursing (60 seats) and Bachelor of Physiotherapy (20 seats) (collectively called as UG courses) of this institution, are on the basis of merit obtained in the Admission Written Test (UG -AWT - 2010) conducted by Christian Medical College Ludhiana Society.
All the admissions are made with the approval of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab; of the Government as may be applicable; Medical Council of India (as may be applicable); Dental Council of India (as may be applicable); Punjab Nurses Registration Council and Indian Nursing Council (as may be applicable) and selection guidelines of the Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
All MBBS, BDS, and B.Sc. Nursing candidates selected through UG AWT 2010 in any category, are required to enter into a service agreement without which admission will not be granted. Service Agreement is for a minimum period of two years after completion of the course in a hospital or in an institution managed by Christian Medical College Ludhiana Society or its member Body/Church.
Candidates who desire to apply under the Christian sponsored category should indicate in the ICR form and will have to take a Bible Test. Candidates desirous of sponsorship have to apply to one of the sponsoring agencies of the Christian Medical College Ludhiana society for sponsorship.
In keeping with the mandate of the Institute to reach out to states with lower educational facilities at the primary and secondary level, and to provide training facilities to candidates who will dedicate themselves to the healthcare of these states they represent, which would otherwise have been deprived, 3 seats in MBBS have been earmarked for Society Sponsored candidates from States and Union territories with a low Education Development Index (National University of Educational Planning and Administration; 2007-2008). Candidates applying to this category should clearly indicate this in the ICR form by correctly filling the domicile field. Admission will be based entirely on merit, based on the Admission Written Test.
Applicants must be at least 17 years of age on 31st December 2010 (the date of birth being shown on the Matriculation or Higher Secondary Certificate or equivalent certificate). Applicants born after 31st December 1993 are not eligible to apply for admission to Undergraduate courses starting in July 2010.
Applicants must be citizens of India for UG AWT 2010. Persons of Indian Origin with Citizenship of other countries may apply under NRI category for which a separate prospectus is available. No other foreign national will be admitted.
A candidate for admission to MBBS and BDS courses must have obtained not less than 50% marks in English and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the qualifying examination (as per MCI Regulations 1997).
For admission to B.Sc. Nursing and BPT course a Candidate must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in 10+2 examination. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward classes the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination be 40%.
A common undergraduate admission written test (UG-AWT-2010) will be held for the UG courses. Date of UG-AWT 2010 - 23rd May 2010, from 02:00 pm to 04:30 pm. The candidates should report to the allotted Centre by 01.30 pm. Bible Test for Christian applicants will be held from 4:45 pm to 5:15 pm, on the same day. Therefore, all Christian applicants need to remain seated after the UG-AWT-2010 till 5:20 pm.
Admission Written Test centres:
Allahabad, Amritsar, Bathinda, Calcutta, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kochi, Ludhiana , Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi
1. Combined prospectus cum application forms can be obtained directly from
College Prospectus counter of the Accounts Department, Christian Medical College Hospital on cash payment of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only)
from 10th February 2010 to 30th April 2010.
2. Combined prospectus cum application form can be obtained from designated branches of The Federal Bank Ltd, by paying Rs. 1100/-(cash only) till 23rd April 2010
2. Combined prospectus cum application forms can be obtained by post from 1st
February 2010 to 16th April 2010 by sending a bank demand draft payable to "Christian Medical College Ludhiana Society", payable at Ludhiana for Rs.1100/- (Rupees one thousand one hundred only). Money Order, Cheque & postal order are not acceptable. Applicants should send the bank demand draft to the Registrar, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana-141 008, Punjab along with a covering letter stating 'UG AWT 2010' Prospectus cum application form and mentioning the complete address of the applicant including pin-code, email and mobile number.
The application package includes:
- Prospectus
- ICR Application Form
- Envelope for Application Form
Last date for receipt of completed application forms along with the application fee
in the Registrar's Office is 30th April 2010 till 5.00 pm at the counter.
For filling the ICR Application Form, please see the instructions given below. There is only one admission written test for all four courses. Therefore a candidate needs to fill only one ICR application form. Application fee is Rs. 2000/- for appearing in the AWT -2010. The fee must be paid by crossed bank demand draft made payable to_"CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE LUDHIANA SOCIETY", payable at LUDHIANA. Application fee can also be paid into CMC account (No. 13720200003943) directly through any branch of Federal Bank. Please give details of candidate Name and application number to Federal bank and also send us the original receipt with Application form. Please keep Photocopy of receipt for reference.
Important Dates:
Last day to obtain prospectus by post 16.04.2010 10:00 AM
Last day to obtain prospectus from Federal Bank 23.04.2010 12:00 Noon
Last date to obtain prospectus from CMC counter 30.04.2010 4:00 PM
Last day to submit application forms 30.04.2010 5:00 PM
Admission written test 23.05.2010 01:30 PM
For more details visit www.cmcludhiana.in / www.cmcludhiana.org
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Christian Medical College (CMC) Ludhiana
IISC Bangalore Integrated Ph.D Admissions 2010
Indian Institute of Science offers offers exciting opportunities to motivated and talented Bachelor’s degree holders with a keen sense of scientific enquiry for pursuing advanced research in frontier areas of Biological, Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences leading to a Ph D degree. Experience shows that students entering this program save nearly a year compared to those who go for a 2 years Master's degree program elsewhere and then join the Institute for a Ph D program. Each year, the Institute admits 42 students (12 in Biological Sciences, 12 in Chemical Sciences, 10 in Physical Sciences and 8 in Mathematical Sciences) under this program. The program consists of flexible course work, an internship-type laboratory training (wherein ample opportunities exist for the candidate to acquire basic experimental skills and familiarity with advanced techniques for research), a research project to demonstrate attainment of a high degree of scientific ability followed by advanced research leading to a Ph D thesis on a specific topic.
Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology/ Chemistry/Physics/Mathematics under the 10+2+3 system are eligible to apply for admission to the Integrated Ph D program. Candidates with BE/B Tech are eligible to apply to the Mathematical Sciences.
Additional notes
(a) The minimum requirement for admission to the Integrated Ph D program is a FIRST CLASS or and equivalent Grade for the Bachelor’s degree (as declared by the University) as indicated against each department. Refer to Section 3.3 for more details.
(b) The minimum requirement of FIRST CLASS in the qualifying examination is relaxed to PASS CLASS for SC/ST candidates.
(c) Some departments have specific requirements of subjects at the Bachelor’s or 10+2 levels as indicated in Section 3.3. Candidates have to ensure that they meet these requirements and this should be clearly reflected in the Academic profile of the Application Form which is to be enclosed with the data sheet.
(d) Those in the final year of their qualifying examination and awaiting results are also eligible to apply. However, they should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree, including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc., by the time of joining, i.e., by the 29th of July 2010.
Integrated Ph D PROGRAMS – The disciplines, minimum qualifications, ares of research are listed below. Candidates can choose to apply for up to a maximum of 2 disciplines.
Discipline: Biological Sciences(BS)
Biochemistry, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, Molecular Biophysics, and Microbiology & Cell Biology.
Basic Qualification
First Class (as declared by the University) in B Sc or an equivalent degree in Physical, Chemical or Biological Sciences (including Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences).
Areas of Research
Biomembranes - Physical and Physiological Studies; Structure-Function of Nucleic Acids; Gene Structure and Function in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Microbial and Human Genetics; Recombinant DNA Technology; Molecular Virology and Mechanisms of Disease Processes; Enzymology, Protein Chemistry and Engineering; Cellular and Applied Immunology; Molecular Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology; Conformation of Biomolecules and Biopolymers; Protein and Virus Crystallography; Structural Biology; Mathematical Ecology; Human Ecology; Behaviour and Sociobiology; Conservation Ecology; Plant Molecular Biology and Development, Imprinting, Molecular Oncology, Cell Biology
Discipline: Chemical Sciences(CS)
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit and Materials Research Centre.
Basic Qualification
First Class (as declared by the University) in B Sc or an equivalent degree with Chemistry as one of the main subjects with Mathematics at the PUC or Plus 2 level.
Areas of Research
Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics; Theoretical Chemistry; Surface Chemistry and Catalysis; Solid State Chemistry; Amorphous Materials; Ceramics, Thin Films; Chemistry of Super-Conductors; Synthetic Organic, Physical Organic and Organometallic Chemistry; Chemistry of Transition & Non-Transition Metals; Bioinorganic Chemistry; Chemistry of Polymers; Electrochemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy of Molecular and Vander Walls Complexes; Chemical Kinetics, Development of NMR Methodologies and Applications
Discipline: Physical Sciences(PS)
Physics andCentre for High Energy Physics.
Basic Qualification
First Class (as declared by the University) in B Sc or an equivalent degree with Physics as one of the main subjects.
Areas of Research
(A) Experimental Studies: (I) Condensed Matter Physics (Ii) Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and (Iii) X-Ray Crystallography of Bio-Molecular Structures.
Specific Areas Include: Raman and Other Spectroscopies; Fast Ionic Conductivity; Manipulation of Matter By Light, Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms, Ion Trapping, Precision Laser Spectroscopy; Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnetic Thin Films, Magnetotransport; Quantum Transport in Low-Dimensional and Disordered Materials, The Metal-Insulator Transition; Magnetic Resonance Phenomena; NMR Spectroscopy; Nanoscience and Nanomaterials; Superconductivity in Bulk as well as Thin Films; Semiconductors; Ferroelectricity, Crystal Growth Studies, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Multiferroics; Phase Transition Studies, High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies, Study of Low Dimensional Materials, Amorphous Materials, Novel Glasses and Nanocomposites; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants and Biological Material; Peptide and Protein Crystallography, Complexation Studies and Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Molecular Modeling, Database Analysis; Polymer Physics, Surface X-Ray Scattering, Surface Phase Transitions.
(B)Theoretical Studies On a Variety of Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, in Particular: Strongly Correlated Systems, Quantum Many-Body Theory and Magnetism, Exotic Order and Quantum Criticality; Phase Transitions, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics; Disordered and Amorphous Systems, The Glass Transition, Neural Networks; Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence in Fluids, Plasmas and Cardiac Tissue; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants, Membranes, Liquid Crystals, Vortex Lattices; Biological Physics: The Mechanics of Living Matter; Molecular Modeling of Soft and Bio-Materials.
(C) High Energy Physics: Quantum Field Theory, The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond, Physics of and At High Energy Particle Colliders, Field Theory in Non-Commutative Space Time, Quantum Information Theory, Applications of Quantum Field Theory To Condensed Matter Systems, String Theory.
(D) Theoretical Astrophysics: Cosmology, Dark Energy. Physics Around Black Holes, Nuclear Astrophysics, Galactic Astronomy, Interstellar Matter. Plasma Astrophysics, Solar Physics.
Discipline: Mathematical Sciences(MS)
Basic Qualification
First Class (as declared by theUniversity) in B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects or BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree.
Areas of Research
Partial Differential Equations, Controllability, Nonlinear Waves, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Dynamics, Dynamic Games, Random Graphs, Branching Processes, Time Series Analysis With Applications To Neuroscience, Mathematical Finance, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Differential Topology, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Statistics
Selection Procedure
All the candidates who apply to the Integrated Ph D program should qualify in the IISc Entrance Test 2010, which is to be held on Sunday, 25th April 2010. The short-listing of candidates for interview is done based on the performance in the IISc Entrance Test. Interviews are held during May 31 - June 02, 2010. Selection will be based on the combined performance in the Entrance Test and in the Interview.
The Application Forms for Research, Course and Integrated Ph D programs may be obtained by any of the following three methods:
(1) Against a cash payment of Rs.700/- from select CANARA BANK Branches$ .
(2) Send your request for application form with 2 address slips (stickers), and a demand draft for Rs.700/- for general category (Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PH categories, along with a copy of an appropriate certificate) to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012. The DD must be drawn in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore”.
(3) Online application – Online submission of application may be made by accessing the IISc website www.iisc.ernet.in/admissions w.e.f. 08.02.2010. Online application fee is Rs.600/- for general category and Rs.300/- for SC/ST/PH categories.
For External Registration Program - Candidates should write to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore - 560 012, enclosing a DD for Rs.1500/- drawn in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore”.
Filled-in off-line and online application forms(hard copy) should reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore-560012 on or before 22.03.2010.
Separate application form should be used for each program viz Research or Course or Integrated Ph D. Only one application form will be entertained for each program.
Commencement of issue of Application forms (select Canara Bank Branches and IISc) and submission of online application. 08.02.2010
Last date for issue of Application forms (select Canara Bank Branches and IISc) and closure of website for submission of online application. 17.03.2010
Last date for receipt of completed Application forms both offline and online (hard copy). 22.03.2010
IISc Entrance Test: 25.04.2010
Select Canara Bank Branches where applications are issued:
Canara Bank Branches at Ahmedabad (Bhadra), Allahabad (MG Marg), Amritsar (DS Market), Bangalore (IISc. Campus, Indiranagar, Jayanagar Complex, Majestic), Bhopal (Berasia Rd), Bhubaneshwar (Bapujinagar), Calicut (Cherooty Rd), Chandigarh (Sector 17C), Chennai (Mount Road, T.Nagar, Guindy), Coimbatore (RS Puram), Delhi (Karolbagh, RK Puram, F-19 Connaught Circus), Dharwad (Market), Durgapur, Ernakulam (South), Gulbarga (Fort Rd), Guwahati (Fancy Bazar), Hyderabad (Abids Rd), Jaipur (Arvind Marg), Jamshedpur (Gulmohar Market), Kanpur (Mall Rd), Kolhapur (Laxmipuram), Kolkata (Chowringhee, Jadavpur, Brabourne Rd), Madurai (Grand Central), Mangalore (Hampankatta), Mumbai (Fort, Dadar West, Santacruz East, Chembur, New Mumbai), Mysore (Statue Square), Nagpur (Central Avenue), Panaji, Patna (South Gandhi Maidan), Pondicherry, Pune (Camp), Rourkela, Secunderabad (MG Rd), Srinagar (Residency Rd), Surat (Kotsafil Road), Surathkal (Main Rd), Thiruvananthapuram (Puthechanthai), Tiruchi (Teppakulam), Tirupathi, Vadodara (Raopura), Varanasi (Bansphatak), Vijayawada (Gandhinagar), Visakhapatnam (Suryabagh), Warangal (Station Rd).
visit www.iisc.ernet.in for more details
Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore
Applications for three programs based on course work: ME, M Tech and M Des.
The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to course programs.
(a) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology or its equivalent.
(b) Bachelor’s degree holders in Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science/Electronics/ followed by qualifications obtained through an examination conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE.
(c) Bachelor’s degree holders in Architecture/Design (for M Des program only)
(d) Master’s degree holders in Physics with Electronics/Instrumentation (for M Tech programs).
All the candidates should qualify in the GATE paper concerned in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) or Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) (for the M Des program) and possess valid score cards.
Refer to sections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 for requirements for admission to individual programs and departments
Additional notes
(a) The minimum requirement for admission to course program is a SECOND CLASS (as declared by the University) or an equivalent grade in the qualifying examination as indicated against each department. Refer to Sections 2.3 - 2.5 for more details.
(b) Wherever B Sc with a professional Diploma is prescribed, candidates should have passed B Sc in the 10+2+3 system with at least a SECOND CLASS with Physics and/or Mathematics and Chemistry as subjects in the curriculum as applicable to the departments concerned.
(c) The minimum requirement of a SECOND CLASS in the qualifying examination is relaxed to PASS CLASS for SC/ST candidates.
(d) OBC candidates who are seeking admission to the course programs must be under NON-CREAMY LAYER only.
(e) Those in the final year of their qualifying examination and awaiting results are also eligible to apply. However, they should have completed all the requirements for the award of their qualifying degree, including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc., by the time of joining, i.e., by the end of July 2009.
(f) Candidates who join initially for the ME / M Tech program may be permitted to transfer to the Ph D program, subject to academic assessments.
The participating departments/centres, disciplines, minimum qualifications, areas of study are listed below. Candidates can choose to apply for up to a maximum of 5 disciplines (from ME/ M Tech and M Des programs).
To be considered for admission to ME programs in various departments / centers, candidates with BE / B Tech or an equivalent degree must have a valid GATE score from the GATE paper which corresponds to their branch in the qualifying examination
1. Aerospace Engineering (AE)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Aeronautical (AE), Mechanical (ME), Civil (CE), Chemical (CH), Electrical (EE), Electronics or Communication (EC)or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMAeSI (AE), AMIE (CE,CH,ME,EE or EC), AMIChE (CH), Grad. IETE (EC).
Areas of study
Structures, Aerodynamics; Propulsion; Control and Guidance of Aircraft, Rockets and Spacecraft.
2. Chemical Engineering (CH)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Chemical Engineering (CH).
Areas of study
Biochemical Engineering; Colloidal and Interfacial Science; Complex Fluids; Environmental Engineering; Modeling and Simulation; Nanotechnology; Reaction Engineering; Theoretical Biology; Transfer Processes.
3.Structural Engineering (CE-S)
Geotechnical Engineering (CE-G)
Water Resources & Environmental Engineering (CE-W)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Civil (CE) or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIE in Civil Engineering (CE).
Areas of study
Geotechnical Engineering; Water Resources and Environmental Engineering; Structural Engineering.
4. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in Mechanical (ME) or B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics followed by AMIE in Mechanical (ME), AMIMechE(I) (ME).
Areas of study
Solid Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Design, Non-Linear Dynamics, Vibration, Technical Acoustics, Design of Mechanical Systems, Robotics, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Nano-Mechanics, Tribology, Metal Castings and Advanced Manufacturing Process, Material Science, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, I C Engines, Combustion, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.
5. Materials Engineering (MT)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Metallurgy (MT) , Mechanical Engineering (ME), Chemical Engineering (CH), Ceramic Engineering/Technology (XE), Materials Engineering (MT) or B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry followed by AMIE in Metallurgical Engg (MT) or AMIIM (MT).
Areas of study
Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Chemical Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy, Materials Processing, Alloy Design, Ceramics, Composites and Modeling, Polymers, Ferroelectrics, Polymer Nanocomposites, Process Modeling.
6. Computer Science & Engineering (CS)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Computer Science / Engineering (CS), Information Technology (CS), Information Science/Engineering (CS).
Areas of study
Theoretical Computer Science, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Systems Software, Systems Security, Intelligent Systems.
7.Telecommunication Engineering (EC)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electronics & Communication (EC), Telecommunication (EC), Electronics (EC) or Electrical Engineering with specialization in Electronics & Communication (EC) or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by Grad. IETE (EC), AMIE in Electronics & Communication (EC) or Wireless Communication (EC).
Areas of study
Communications and Networking; Microelectronics, Microwaves, Photonics, Signal Processing, Optical Communication.
8. Electrical Engineering (EE)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical(EE) or Electrical and Electronics(EE) or B.Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIE in Electrical (EE).
Areas of study
Power Systems, Power Electronics, High Voltage Engineering.
9. Microelectronic Systems (MI)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical (EE), Electronics and Communication (EC), Computer Science (CS), Instrumentation with Electronics (IN) or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIETE (EC) or AMIE in Electrical (EE) or Electronics and Communication (EC)
Areas of study
Semicustom VLSI Design-FPGA ASIC; Nano CMOS Technology; Analog and RF Circuit Design, MEMS, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Optics and Fluid Dynamics of Nanostructures.
10.Signal Processing(SP)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical (EE), Electronics and Communication (EC) or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by Grad. IETE (EC) or AMIE in Electrical (EE) or Electronics and Communication (EC).
Areas of study
Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Signal Compression, Neural Networks, Biomedical Signal Processing, Speech/Audio Info. Processing, Array Processing, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing for Communication.
11.Systems Science & Automation (SA)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
Jointly conducted by Electrical Engineering & Computer Science & AutomationBE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in Computer Science / Engineering (CS), Electrical (EE), Electronics (EC), Communication (EC), Instrumentation (IN), Mechanical (ME), Chemical (CH) or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIE in Electrical (EE), Electronics and Communication (EC), Mechanical (ME) or Chemical Engg (CH), Grad. IETE (EC), AMIIChE (CH).
Candidates should have done a formal course in programming in C and C++.
Areas of study
Digital Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Graphics, Stochastic Systems, Multimedia, Real Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, Sensor Networks, E Commerce, Speech Processing, Real Time Signal Processing and Embedded Systems.
The participating departments/centres, disciplines, minimum qualifications, areas of study are listed below.
To be considered for admission to M Tech programs in various departments / centres candidates with BE/B Tech or an equivalent degree or M Sc or an equivalent degree must have a valid GATE score from the GATE paper which corresponds to their branch in the qualifying examination (e.g. an M Sc in Physics must have a valid GATE score from the PH GATE paper)
1. Electronics Design & Technology (ED)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree (corresponding GATE discipline) with Electronics as one of the subjects of study or B Sc or equivalent followed by AMIE in a relevant area of specialization(corresponding GATE paper) or M Sc or equivalent degree in Physics with Electronics as the special subject (PH). (M Sc or equivalent degree holders should possess 2 years experience in Electronics hardware).
Areas of study
Communication Networks, Embedded Systems, Power Conversion, Vlsi Design, Electronic Packaging, Instrumentation, Emc.
2. Computational Science (CP)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline (corresponding GATE paper) or M Sc or equivalent degree in any discipline (corresponding GATE paper). Master’s in Computer Application (CS).
In all cases a strong mathematical and programming background is required.
Areas of study
Multidisciplinary Program Addressing: Supercomputing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Computational Issues in Large Scale Problem Solving and Simulation in Science and Engineering, Numerical Techniques and Algorithms, Computational Biology.
3. Climate Science (CL)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline (with a GATE Paper in Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Sciences) or M Sc or equivalent degree in Physical Sciences (with Gate Paper in Geology & Geophysics, Physics).
Areas of study
Interdisciplinary Programme Covering Atmospheric Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Ocean Dynamics, Clouds Radiation and Climate, Earth System, Numerical Modeling of Climate, Methods of Observations, Satellite Meteorology, Climate Data Time Series Analysis.
4.. Instrumentation (IN)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
M Sc or equivalent degree with specialization in Instrumentation/ Electronics/equivalent (IN) or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree inInstrumentation (IN) / Instrumentation & Control Engineering (IN) or Electronics & Instrumentation/Electronics (IN).
Areas of study
Analytical Instrumentation, Electronic Instrumentation, Lasers and Optical Instrumentation, Solar Energy and Thermal Instrumentation, Vacuum and Thin Films.
5. Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline (corresponding GATE paper) or M Sc or equivalent degree in any discipline with a background in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Geology (corresponding GATE paper).
Areas of study
Interdisciplinary program covering Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transport Systems, Infrastructure Engineering, Integrated Land use Planning and Mobility, Urban Ecology, Energy and Environment, Urban Policy and Planning, and System Sciences.
M Des Program
To be considered for admission to M Des, the candidates with BE/ B Tech/B Des/B.Arch or an equivalent degree must have a valid GATE score from the GATE paper which corresponds to their branch in the qualifying examination (e.g. a BE in Mechanical must have a valid GATE score from the ME GATE paper).
For admission to the M Des program, candidates with eligible qualifications can also take the CEED examination.
1. Product Design & Engineering (PD)
Qualification with required GATE paper (in brackets)
BE / B Tech / B Des or equivalent degree or post B Sc AMIE (corresponding GATE paper or CEED) or B.Arch(AR).
Areas of study
Product Design and Engineering.
Selection procedure
ME Program
Selection is based on the GATE score only.
Tie Breaking: In the case of candidates who have secured same GATE score, their performance in the qualifying examination would be used to resolve the tie.
M Tech Program
(a) Electronics Design & Technology:
After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 19 and 21 April 2010. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.
(b) Computational Science:
After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 19 and 21 April 2010. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.
(c) Climate Science:
After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 19 and 21 April 2010. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.
(d) Instrumentation:
Selection is based on the GATE score only.
(e) Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering:
After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 19 and 21 April 2010. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.
M Des Program
After screening based on GATE / CEED scores, a design aptitude test and interview will be conducted at the Institute, between 22 and 23 April 2010. Selection will be based on performance in the design aptitude test and interview.
The Application Forms for Research, Course and Integrated Ph D programs may be obtained by any of the following three methods:
(1) Against a cash payment of Rs.700/- from select CANARA BANK Branches$ .
(2) Send your request for application form with 2 address slips (stickers), and a demand draft for Rs.700/- for general category (Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PH categories, along with a copy of an appropriate certificate) to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012. The DD must be drawn in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore”.
(3) Online application – Online submission of application may be made by accessing the IISc website www.iisc.ernet.in/admissions w.e.f. 08.02.2010. Online application fee is Rs.600/- for general category and Rs.300/- for SC/ST/PH categories.
For External Registration Program - Candidates should write to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore - 560 012, enclosing a DD for Rs.1500/- drawn in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore”.
Filled-in off-line and online application forms(hard copy) should reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore-560012 on or before 22.03.2010.
Separate application form should be used for each program viz Research or Course or Integrated Ph D. Only one application form will be entertained for each program.
Commencement of issue of Application forms (select Canara Bank Branches and IISc) and submission of online application. 08.02.2010
Last date for issue of Application forms (select Canara Bank Branches and IISc) and closure of website for submission of online application. 17.03.2010
Last date for receipt of completed Application forms both offline and online (hard copy). 22.03.2010
IISc Entrance Test: 25.04.2010
Select Canara Bank Branches where applications are issued:
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The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore
Research [Ph D / M Sc (Engg)] Programs
The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission to the Research program
(a) Master’s degree holders in any branch of Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/Computer Applications/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary Science/ Agriculture/ Humanities or its equivalent.
(b) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology/ Medicine/ Architecture/ Biotechnology/ or its equivalent.
(c) Master’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture or its equivalent.
(d) Bachelor’s degree holders in Science/Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Science /Electronics followed by qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognised by UPSC/AICTE.
(e) An MBA or its equivalent subsequent to BE/B Tech for admission to the department of Management Studies only.
Additional notes
1. The minimum requirement for admission to the research program is a SECOND CLASS (as declared by the University) in the qualifying examination as indicated against each department..
2. Wherever B Sc with a professional Diploma is prescribed, candidates should have a B.Sc in the 10+2+3 system with at least a SECOND CLASS with Physics and/or Mathematics or Chemistry as subjects in the curriculum as applicable to the departments concerned.
3. The minimum requirement of SECOND CLASS in the qualifying examination is relaxed to PASS CLASS for SC/ST candidates.
4. Some departments have specific requirements of subjects at the Bachelor’s or 10+2 levels . Candidates have to ensure that they meet these requirements and this should be clearly reflected in the application form which is to be enclosed with the data sheet.
5. Those in the final year of their qualifying examination and awaiting results are also eligible to apply. However, they should have completed all the requirements for the award of their qualifying degree, including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc., by the time of joining, i.e., by the end of July 2010.
6. Candidates who register initially for an M Sc(Engg) degree in Engineering may be permitted to convert to a Ph D degree subject to academic assessment.
Departments and Areas of Research
Programs in the Faculty of Science
The following table gives the basic qualifications and areas of research pursued in various departments. An applicant may choose to apply to up to 3 Departments/ Centres/ Units including Interdisciplinary programs.
Degree offered : Ph.D
1.Biochemistry (BC)
Areas of Research
Biosynthesis of Lipids and Secondary metabolites; Cellular and Viral Immunology; Chromatin Structure and Function; DNA repair recombination; DNA-Protein Interactions; Enzymes: Structure-function studies; Genomics and Proteomic Studies in different model systems; Molecular biology of Plant and Animal viruses; Molecular Chaperones and their functions; New Facets in Mycobacterium and Malaria parasite biology, Regulation of gene expression.
Master’s degree in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology or any branch of Biological Sciences (with Chemistry as subsidiary at the B Sc level) or
Basic Eligibility
M Pharm or M V Sc or M Sc (Agriculture) or MBBS orM Tech or equivalent degree in Biotechnology.
2. Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics (MD)
Areas of Research
Gene Regulation in Bacteria, Genomic Imprinting, Cancer Biology, Stem Cells, Development in Drosophila, Dictyostelium and Zebra Fish, Pattern Formation, Differentiation. Molecular Endocrinology, Reproductive Biology, Early Embryo Development, Mechanisms of Hormone Action, Receptors and Signal Transduction, Apoptosis, Human Genetics, Host Pathogen-Interaction.
Basic Eligibility
Master's degree in any branch of Science or equivalent orBachelor’s degree in any branch of Medicine/Engineering/ Technology.
3. Centre for Ecological Sciences(ES)
Areas of Research
Animal Behaviour, Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, Biodiversity, Biogeography, Community Ecology, Climate Change Research, Conservation Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Forest Ecology and Dynamics, Human and Landscape Ecology, Mathematical Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Plant-Animal Interactions, Phylogenetics, Population Ecology, Population Genetics, Sensory Ecology, Wildlife Biology.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in any branch of Science or MA or equivalent degree in Geography or Psychology or Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Medicine / Engineering / Technology or Two years full-time Master’s Degree in Management.
4. Microbiology & Cell Biology(MC)
Areas of Research
Molecular Biology (Gene Expression and its Regulation in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes), RNA splicing, post-transcriptional gene control, mechanism of protein synthesis, ribosome recycling, RNA biology), Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Virology, Molecular Biology of Bacterial Pathogenesis, Molecular Basis of Drug Action, Vaccine Development, Molecular Immunology, Cell Biology, Mechanisms of Cell Division, Signal Transduction, Plant Developmental Biology and Plant Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology
Basic Eligibility
Master's degree in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, or any branch of Biological Sciences, Pharmacy, Veterinary Science, Agriculture or MBBS or M Sc in Chemistry with biological Sciences at the B Sc level or M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Biotechnology.
5. Molecular Biophysics Unit (MB)
Streams $:
(a) Biological & Chemical Sciences
(b) Physical & Chemical Sciences
Areas of Research
Structure and Interactions of Biological Molecules; Computer Modeling and Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids; Macromolecular Crystallography of Proteins and Viruses; NMR of Proteins, Mass Spectrometry, Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism of Biological Systems, DNA Structure-Function, Genome Analysis; Transcription Regulation, Peptide and Protein Chemistry, Folding and Design; Cell Surface, Lectins Structure-Function; Membrane Biophysics and Molecular Neurobiology; Biochemistry and Biology of Human Malarial Parasite, Bioinformatics.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Biological Sciences (all branches) or M Pharm or MBBS or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Biotechnology / Biochemical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or equivalent disciplines.
6. Neuroscience (NS)
Areas of Research
Neurobiology of diseases, Nervous System Development, Stem Cell Biology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Computation in visual and motor systems.
Basic Eligibility
Master’s degree in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Bio- informatics, Biological Sciences or M Pharm or MBBS or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Biotechnology / Biochemical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or equivalent disciplines.
7. Inorganic & Physical Chemistry (IP)
Streams $ :
(a) Inorganic Chemistry
(b) Physical Chemistry
(c) Theoretical Chemistry
Areas of Research
Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy of Molecular and van der Waals Complexes, Chemical Kinetics & Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Polymer Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Nonlinear Optics, Laser Spectroscopy, Biophotonics, Chemistry of Materials, Self Assembly & Nanoparticles, Biophysical Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry, Non-Metal Chemistry.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree inChemistry, Physics, Mathematics, or related subjects orBE / B Tech or equivalent degreeIn Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Instrumentation or Biomedical Engineering.
8. Materials Research Centre (MR)
Areas of Research
Preparation of Advanced Materials by Physical, Chemical and Nonequilibrium Routes. Ferroelectric and Semi conducting Thin Films. Functional Ceramics and Glass-Ceramics. Multilayers and Hard Coatings; Nanomaterials and Composites. Self Assembly and Nanopatternings; Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, Optical and Electro-Optic Properties of Materials, Crystal Growth, Stress Effects on Thin Film Growth and Nanostructures.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Materials Science, Chemistry or Physics orME/ M Tech/ M Sc(Engg) or BE or equivalent degree in Materials Science/ Engineering, Metallurgical, Electrical, Electronics, Ceramic Engineering/Technology.
9. Organic Chemistry (OC)
Areas of Research
Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Structural Organic Chemistry; Bio-Organic Chemistry; Physical Organic Chemistry; Photochemistry; Organo-Metallic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Chemical Biology.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Chemistry, Physics or Biochemistry.
10. Solid State & Structural ChemistryUnit (SS)
Streams $ :
(a)Theoretical Chemistry
(b)Experimental Solid State Chemistry
Areas of Research
Organic Polymers and Semiconductors and Plastic Crystals; Nonlinear Optical Materials; High-Tc Superconductivity; Nanomaterials and Clusters, Ionics and Materials Electrochemistry, Surface Science and Catalysis, Amorphous Materials, Theory of Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials and Organic Ferro-Magnets, Many-body Quantum Chemistry, Chemical Reaction Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics of Condensed Matter and Biological Systems; Classical and Quantum Computer Simulations; Diffusion in Porous Solids; Parallel Algorithms and Beowulf Clusters, NMR Methodology and Applications
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or a Related Subject (Master's degree holders in Chemistry must have studied Physics or Mathematics in their B Sc or equivalent ourse).
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Oxides; High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Charge Density Analysis,.
11. Astronomy & Astrophysics (A collaborative program jointly run with IIA, ISRO, RRI, PRL and TIFR) (AP)
Areas of Research
Observational Astronomy in Radio, Infrared, Optical, X-Ray and Gamma Ray Wave-Lengths, Plasma Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics, General Relativity and Cosmology and Advanced Instrumentation in Astronomy and Space Science
Basic Eligibility
Master’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical, Electronics, Electrical Communication Engineering or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIE, Grad. IETE, AMIIChE, AMIIM, AMAeSI.
12. Mathematics (MA)
Areas of Research
Partial Differential Equations, Controllability, Nonlinear Waves, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Dynamic Games, Random Graphs, Random Matrix, Random Analytic Functions, Time Series Analysis with Applications to Neuroscience, Mathematical Finance, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Differential Topology, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Lie Algebra, Statistics.
Basic Eligibility
Master’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or any branch of Mathematical Sciences, or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree (provided they have good aptitude for Mathematics).
13.Physics (PH)
Streams $ :
(a)Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
(b)Condensed Matter Theory
Areas of Research
(A) Experimental Studies: (i) Condensed Matter Physics (ii) Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, (iii) X-Ray Crystallography of Bio-Molecular Structures, and (iv) Cryogenics: Physics and Technology.
Specific Areas Include: Raman and Other Spectroscopies; Fast Ionic Conductivity; Manipulation of Matter by Light, Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms, Ion Trapping, Precision Laser Spectroscopy; Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnetic Thin Films, Magnetotransport; Quantum Transport in Low-Dimensional and Disordered Materials, Metal-Insulator Transition; Magnetic Resonance Phenomena, NMR and EPR Spectroscopies; Nanoscience and Nanomaterials; Superconductivity in bulk as well as Thin Films; Semiconductors; Ferroelectricity, Crystal Growth Studies, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Multiferroics; Phase Transition Studies, High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies, Study of Low Dimensional Materials, Amorphous Materials, Novel Glasses and Nanocomposites; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants and Biological Material; Peptide and Protein Crystallography, Complexation Studies and Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Molecular Modeling, Database Analysis; Polymer Physics, Surface X-Ray Scattering, Surface Phase Transitions, Thermoelectric material and device.
(B)Theoretical Studies on a variety of Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, in particular: Strongly Correlated Systems, Quantum Many-Body Theory and Magnetism, Exotic Order and Quantum Criticality; Phase Transitions, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics; Disordered and Amorphous Systems, The Glass Transition, Neural Networks; Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence in Fluids, Plasmas and Cardiac Tissue; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants, Membranes, Liquid Crystals, Vortex Lattices; Biological Physics: Mechanics of Living Matter; Molecular Modeling of Soft and Bio-Materials.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Chemistry or Polymer Science or ME / M Tech / M Sc (Engg) or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree or B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIE, Grad.IETE, AMIIChE, AMIIM, AMAeSI.
14.Centre for High Energy Physics (HE)
Areas of Research
Quantum Field Theory, The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond, Physics of and at the Next Generation of Electron-Position Colliders, Searches for new states of Matter at High Energy Particle Colliders, Quantum Chromodynamics, Lattice Gauge Theories, Phase Transitions and Statistical Mechanics, Applications of Quantum Field Theory To Condensed Matter Systems, Quantum Computation, Noncommutative Geometry, Black Hole Physics. Quantum Gravity.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline (with knowledge of Physics at the M Sc level).
Programs in the Faculty of Engineering
Degree offered: Ph.D/ M.Sc. (Engg.)
1. Computer Science & Automation (CS)
Areas of Research
Theoretical Computer Science:
Design of Algorithms; Coding Theory; Cryptography; Formal Verification; Graph Theory; Logic; Randomized Algorithms; Computational Geometry; Combinatorial Geometry, Computational Topology.
Systems and Software:
Compilers; Computer Architecture; Computer Networks; Databases; Distributed Computing; Embedded Systems; Energy-Aware Computing; Mobile & Wireless Systems; Operating Systems; Real-Time OS; Storage Systems; Systems Security; Visualization; Graphics; Programming Languages; Program Analysis.
Auctions and Mechanism Design; Bioinformatics; Data Mining; Electronic Commerce; Game Theory; Intelligent Agents; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Reinforcement Learning; Stochastic Control and Optimization; Stochastic Simulation.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Computer Science and/or Engineering or Electronics or Electrical Communication or Electrical or Mechanical or Production Engineering or Information Technology or Information Sciences or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any other discipline will also be considered if the candidate demonstrates a high level of performance (greater than the cut-off for the CSA department) in GATE in Computer Science or M Sc or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Statistics or Computer Science or
B Sc or equivalent degree followed by AMIE in any of the above Engineering disciplines or Grad. IETE with a formal background in Data Structures and Programming or B Sc or equivalent degree in Physical and MathematicalSciences, Computer Science or Electronics followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Applications.
2. Electrical Communication Engineering (EC) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Areas of Research
Communication and Networking:
Information Theory, Source Coding, MIMO Systems, Error Control Coding, Including Space-Time and LDPC Codes, Coded Modulation. Wireless Mobile Communication, Multiple Access Protocols, Cellular Mobile Radio, CDMA, Multiuser/MIMO Detection, Cooperative Communications, Communication Networks-Modeling, Analysis, Optimization and Control of Internet, Wireless Access Networks, Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Management, Multimedia Communication Protocols. Ubiquitous Computing, Cognitive Radio Communication, WDM Optical Networks.
Nanoelectronics and VLSI:
Nano-Cmos Technology, Non-Classical Transistor Design, Transistor Variability in Nanoelectronics, Adaptable Circuit Design, Integrated MEMS Sensors, Low Power Techniques in Hardware and Software. Communication Circuits and Architectures.
Applied Photonics:
Photonic Integrated Circuits, Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS), Photonic Bandgap Structures, Quantum Photonics, Biomedical Optics Biophotonics, Optics and Fluid Dynamics of Nanostructures.
Signal Processing:
Speech and Audio Coding, Speech Recognition and Enhancement, Music Content Classification, Auditory Modes and Hearing Aids. Compressive Sensing.
Statistical Signal Processing:
Signal Detection and Estimation, Space-Time (MIMO) Signal Processing Algorithms with applications to Wireless Communications, Acoustic Signal Separation using Microphone Arrays.
Biomedical Signal Processing:
Processing of Biomedical Signals using Nonlinear Dynamical Techniques. Abnormality Detection in ECG and EEG Signals. Connectivity Study of Networks in the Brain.
Microwave Engineering:
Passive and Active Circuits (RF and Microwave). Microwave Antennas, Fractal Designs in Electromagnetics, MEMS and Micromachining (RF MEMS), Composite Materials for Microwave Applications, Computational Electromagnetics, Microware Photonics.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical Communication, Electronics and Communication, Telecommunication, Electronics, Electronic Instrumentation, Bio-medical Engineering, Computers or Electrical Engineering orM Sc in Physics, Mathematics, Electronics, Statistics or B Sc followed by Grad. IETE, AMIE in Electronics and Communications or Electrical Engineering orB Sc or equivalent degree holders in Physical & Mathematical Sciences orElectronics followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science or Computer Applications
3. Electrical Engineering(EE)
Streams$ :
(a) Systems & Signal Processing
(b) Power Systems, Power Electronics and High Voltage Engineering
Areas of Research
Systems and Signal Processing:
Real Time & Fault Tolerant Systems, Sensor Networks, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Bio Medical Signal and Image Processing, Multimedia, Document Image Processing, Speech Processing, Embedded Systems.
Power Systems, Power Electronics and High Voltage Engineering:
Computer-Based Analysis, Design, Control and Protection of Power Systems, Energy Systems, Distribution Systems, Intelligent System Applications To Power Systems.
Power Electronics & Drives, Switched Mode Power Supplies, New Power Devices.
Diagnostics and Monitoring of Power Apparatus, EHV Transmission, Insulation Ageing, Partial Discharges, Nanodielectrics, Gas Insulated System, Lightning Modeling and Protection, EMI & EMC, Computational Electromagnetics, HV Measurements, Air Pollution Control.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical, Electronics, High Voltage, Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science, Systems Science & Automation, Information Technology or Biomedical Engineering or related disciplines or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science, Information Technology, Biomedical Engg. or M Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics Electronics or B Sc or equivalent degree (withMathematics as one of the subjects) followed by AMIE in Electrical, Electronics or Communication Engg, Grad. IETE orB Sc or equivalent degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science orElectronics followed by a Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer Applications.
4. Centre for Electronics Design & Technology (ED)
Areas of Research
Communication Networks: Performance Analysis, Modeling, Simulation and Measurement of Wireless Cellular, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. Architecture and Algorithms For Quality of Service Support On The Internet.
Power Electronics: Multi Level Inverters, PWM Techniques, Induction Motor Drives, Solar Power Supplies, Multi Motor Drives For Electric Traction, Sensorless Drives For Electric Vehicles, High Frequency Power Supplies, Hybrid Energy Alternatives. Bondgraph Modeling.
VLSI: Advanced CMOS and Post CMOS Device Research, Nanotechnology, Modeling and Simulation of Nanoscale Device, Novel Memory Architectures.
Electronics Systems Packaging: Physics, Chemistry and Materials, Metallurgical Aspects of Board and System Level Packaging.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree with Electronics as one of the subjects of study orM Sc or equivalent degree in Chemistry or Physics with specialization in Electronics or B Sc or equivalent degree withMathematics & Physics as subjects of study followed by AMIE in a relevant area of specialization or Grad IETE.
5. Aerospace Engineering (AE)
Streams$ :
(b)Guidance and Control
(c)Fluid Mechanics and Propulsion
Areas of Research
Theoretical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Applied Aerodynamics, Shock Waves, Flow Lasers, Chemical Kinetics, Hypersonic and High Enthalpy Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Flight Mechanics of Aircraft and Helicopters; Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Vehicles, Orbital Mechanics, Space Robotics, Guidance, Avionics, Radar and Electro-Magnetic Systems, Parallel/Distributed Processing and Neural Networks Applications, Optimization and Estimation techniques in Aerospace Systems; Aerospace Propulsion, Basic and Applied Combustion, Experimental and Computational Studies on Reactive Flows, Combustion of Propellants; Composite Structures, Smart Structures, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Finite Element Methods, Fracture Mechanics, Structural Integrity and Reliability, Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity, Rotor Craft Dynamics.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Aerospace, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science or Instrumentation orM Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Mathematics, Applied Physics or Mathematics or Instrumentation or Chemistry or B Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Mathematics or Applied Physics followed by AMIE, AMAeSI, AMIIChE or Grad. IETE.
6. Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (AS)
Areas of Research
Monsoon Dynamics and Prediction, Tropical Convection, Satellite Meteorology, Dynamics of Oceans, Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Systems; Climate Modeling, Laboratory Modeling, Planetary Boundary Layer, Stochastic Modeling, Aerosol and Climate, Cloud-Aerosol Interaction, Data Assimilation, Carbon Cycle and Land Cover Change Modeling.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any branch of engineering including Atmospheric Sciences o rM Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Mathematics, Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanic ciences.
“Should have taken a course/paper in mathematics involving differential equations” at graduate or postgraduate level.
7. Chemical Engineering (CH)
Areas of Research
Biochemical Engineering, Catalysis, Colloids, Complex Fluids, Environmental Pollution, Fuel Cells, Gas Hydrates, Granular Flow, Microfluidics, Modeling of Diseases, Molecular Modeling, Process Modeling, Nanostructures, Nano-Architecture, Optimization and Control, Polymer Degradation, Self-Assembled Systems, Simulation Techniques, Solar Energy, Suspensions, Supercritical Fluids, Theoretical Biology, Water Treatment.
Basic Eligibility
ME/ M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree or M Sc or equivalent degree in in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Life Sciences. (with Mathematics as a subject at the Bachelor’s level.)
8. Civil Engineering (CE)
Streams $ :
(a)Geotechnical Engineering
(b) Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
(c) Structural Engineering
(d)Transporta-tion Engineering
Areas of Research
Geotechnical Engg: Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Seismic Microzonation, Environmental Geotechnics, Physico-Chemical Aspects of Soils, Ground Improvement Techniques, Geosynthetics, Reinforced Soil Structures, Soil Behaviour, Constitutive Modeling of Soils and Rocks, Foundations, Earth Retaining Structures, Jointed Rock Mass Modeling, Soil Dynamics, Numerical Modeling, Mechanics of Granular Media, Reliability Analysis of Geotechnical Systems.
Water Resources and Environmental
Engg: Water Resource and Environmental System Analysis, Climate Hydrology, Flow Measurements, Surface and Ground Water Hydrology, Stochastic Hydrogeology, Stochastic Hydrology, Urban Storm Water Drainage, Environmental Hydraulics, Watershed Hydrology, Hydro-Bio-Geo Chemistry of Watersheds, Water Quality Modeling, Contaminant Hydrology, Fate and Transport of Pollutants, Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resources and Environmental Engg.
Structural Engg: Structural Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Finite Element and Meshfree Techniques, Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete and Masonry Structures, Cementitious and Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites, Structural Dynamics and Control, Earthquake Engineering, Structural System Identification, Structural Safety, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Damage Mechanics, Alternative Building Materials and Techniques.
Transportation Engg: Transportation Planning, Public Transportation Planning and Management, Optimization of Transportation Systems, Application of Geo-informatics in Transportation Engineering, Driver Behaviour and Road Safety, Traffic Management.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree or M Sc or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry (with specialization in Physical Chemistry) orB Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics followed by AMIE, Grad IETE, AMIIChE, AMIIM, AMAeSI.
9. Centre for Earth Sciences (ER)
Areas of Research
Isotope Geochemistry, Paleoclimate Reconstruction, Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazard Assessment, Subduction Zone Tectonics and Active Deformation, Himalayan Seismicity-Tectonics and Evolution, Role of Fluids in Faulting Processes, Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics, Geochronology, Petrology.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in any branch of Science or ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent in any discipline.
10. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Areas of Research
Experimental Stress Analysis and Fracture Mechanics, Biomechanics, Tribology and Noise Control; Mechanisms, Robotics and CAD, Turbulence and Cavitation, Computational Heat Transfer, Internal Combustion Engines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Metal Casting and Manufacturing. Dynamics, Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano Tribology, Structural Optimization and Design.
Basic Eligibility
ME /M Tech /M Des or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree or Master’s degree in Science, Applied Science, Materials Science or Engineering Design or B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics followed by AMIE, Grad. IETE, AMIIChE, AMIIM, AMIMech.E(I) or B Sc or equivalent degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences or Computer Science or Electronics followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science or Applications.
11. Centre for Product Design & Manufacturing (PD)
Areas of Research
CAE Tools For Product Design, Vehicle Crash Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Product Safety, Computer Aided Ergonomics, Human Physiology, Digital Human Modeling, Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Biosensors, Computer Aided Fit and Usability Studies, Haptics Integrated Design Interfaces, Knowledge Management, Product Life Cycle Management, Artificial Intelligence in Design, Design For Environment, Design Creativity, Collaborative Design, Design Synthesis Requirements Engineering, Design Methodology.
Basic Eligibility
Ph D /M Sc (Engg) ME/ M Tech/ M Des or BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in any branch of Engineering, Architecture, Instrumentation and medicine or Master’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physiology, Psychology, Management.
12. Materials Engineering (MT)
Areas of Research
Mineral Processing, Biohydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy; Extractive Metallurgy, Thermodynamic Properties, Sensors, Process Modeling and Analysis, Physical Metallurgy, Phase Stability and Transformation, Metallic Glasses, Mechanical Metallurgy, Creep and Fatigue, Fracture, Wear, Deformation Processing, Ceramic and Metal-Matrix Composites, Ceramics, Diffusion, Electron Microscopy, Texture and Grain Boundary Engineering, Polymer Devices, Ferroelectric Materials and Devices, Polymer Nanocomposites, Organic Electronics Photovoltaics.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Metallurgical, Mineral, Chemical, Ceramics or Mechanical Engineering or Materials Science/Engineering, Biotechnology, Polymer, Pharmacy, Electronics or Master’s degree in Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Mineral Processing, Materials Science or Applied Science, Biotechnology, Polymer Science, Pharmacy or B Sc or equivalent degree (with Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry) followed by AMIE in Metallurgical Engineering, AMIIM, AMIIChE.
13. Centre for Sustainable Technologies (ST)
Areas of Research
Water Quality and Sustainable Supply; Water and Sanitation; Integrated Habitats/Human Settlement Design and Architecture; Alternative Building Technologies and Materials, Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sound Technologies; Functional Efficiency of Buildings including Climatic-Performance, Energy, Solar Architecture; Renewable Energy; Solar, Biomass Combustion and Gasification, Biomethanation, Bio-Fuels, etc.; Renewable Energy; Energy Planning, Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency; Waste Management; Reuse and Recycling; Natural Resources Management; Climate Change Mitigation; Information and Communications Technology.
Basic Eligibility
ME/ M Tech or BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in any Engineering discipline (viz., Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Chemical including Renewable Energy, Environmental Engineering, Energy Studies) or M Sc or equivalent degree in Environmental Science and/or Environmental Chemistry or M Arch or B Arch.
14. Super Computer Education & Research Centre (SE)
Streams $ :
i) Computational Sciences
(ii) Computer Systems
Areas of Research
Compiler Optimization, Computer Aided Design, Computational Electromagnetics, Computer Architecture, Computational methods in Medical Imaging, Computational formulations for Optical Physics, Database Systems, Embedded System-On-Chip Architectures, Grid Applications, Grid Computing and Grid Middleware, High Performance Computing, Mathematical Software/Libraries, Multimedia, Medical Image Processing and Physiological signal processing, Network Security, Pervasive Computing, Quantum Computing, Scientific Computing, Stream Processing Architectures.
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degreein any Engineering discipline or M Sc or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Electronics, Instrumentation or Computer Sciences orMaster’s in Computer Application.In all cases a background in programming is required.
15.Management Studies (MG)
Areas of Research
Applied Statistics, Strategic Management, Operations Research, Industrial Economics, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Public Policy, Marketing, Technology Management, Management of R & D, Information Systems Engineering, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Quality Control and Reliability, Management of Intellectual Property, Management of Innovation, Energy and Environmental Management. Deutsch Als Fremdsprache, and Intercultural aspects.
Basic Eligibility
ME/ M Tech or BE /B Tech or equivalent degree or MBA or equivalent PGDBM or Master's degree in Economics, Social Work, Psychology, Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, Computer Science/Application or Master's degree in German Language.
16.Instrumentation (IN)
Areas of Research
Embedded Systems and Applications, Sensors and Related Instrumentation, Tomographic Imaging for Biomedical and other applications, Lasers and Optical Metrology, Switching Devices for Information Storage, Mass Spectrometry, Photovoltaics, Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Fibre-Bragg Grating Sensors. Cryogenics Technology and Application
Basic Eligibility
ME / M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree or M Sc or equivalent degree in Instrumentation, Physics, Materials Science, Applied Physics, Electronics or B Sc (Physics & Mathematics) followed by AMIE, Grad. IETE, AMIIChE, AMIIM, AMAeSI.
Degree offered: Ph.D
The candidates admitted to the interdisciplinary program would be jointly associated with at least two departments.
1 Mathematical Sciences (MS)
Participating departments: MA, PH, MB, IN, EC, CH, AE, ME, SE, MG, CS, MD, NS.
Areas of Research
Numerical Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Scientific Computation; Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks; Bioinformatics; System Biology; Computational Neuroscience; Computational Biophysics; Computational Biology; Evolutionary Biology; Theoretical Biology; Viral Dynamics; Constrained Biomolecular Dynamics; Mathematical Immunology; Stochastic Optimal Control; Mathematical Finance; Partial Differential (Algebraic) Equations; Optimization; Computational Geometry and Topology; Computational Geometry and Data Visualization; Inverse Boundary Value Problem in The Context of Imaging; Coding Theory and Techniques; Game Theory, Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience.
Basic Eligibility
M Sc or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Bioinformatics or ME/M Tech or BE/B Tech or equivalent degree in Engineering discipline, including Biotechnology.
2 Nanoengineering for Integrated Systems (NI)
Participating departments: AE, ED, CH, EC, IP, IN, MR, MT,ME, MB, PH, PD, and SE
Areas of Research
Research Areas Cover a Broad Spectrum of Topics Relevant To Engineering At The Nano Scale For Realizing Integrated Systems: Novel Materials and Processes for Transistors, Sensors and Actuators, Non-Silicon Based Transistors, Phase Change Memory, Piezoelectric, Ferroelectric, Magnetic, Organic, Shape Memory Materials and Devices, System On Chip, Inertial Sensors, ,Acoustic Sensors, Chemical Sensors, Gas Sensors, Bio Sensors, Computational Nanoengineering, MEMS and NEMS, RF MEMS, Optical MEMS, CMOS-MEMS Integration
Basic Eligibility
ME/M Tech or BE/B Tech or equivalent degree in an Engineering discipline or M Sc or equivalent degree in a Science discipline.
3 Chemical Biology (CB)
Participating departments: All the depts. in the division of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and the depts of PH and CH.
Areas of Research
A diverse array of areas in all aspects of Chemical Studies of Biological Systems including Proteins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, Synthesis and Mechanism of Interaction of Drugs and Protein/DNA, Membranes and Mebrane Bound Proteins, DNA Modifying Enzymes, Protein Folding and Modification, Amino Acids and Peptide Structure, Molecular Recognition, Lipids and Bioactive Molecules, Cell-Cell Interaction, Rates of Enzymatic Reactions, Cancer and Anti-Cancer and Anti-Viral Agents, and X-Ray Crystallography of Biomolecules
Basic Eligibility
Master’s degree in any branch of Engineering, Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Applications, Pharmacy, Veterinary Science, Agriculture, MBBS.
4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NN)
Participating depts: PH, IN, IP, OC, SS, MR, CH, ME, MT and EC.
Areas of Research
Research Covers Broad Areas of Nanoscience and Technology Including Synthesis and Self Assembly and Consolidation of Nanoparticles of Inorganic and Organic Materials, Ceramics, Metals and Polymer, Properties of Nanomaterials including Catalysis, Development of Devices and Systems Through Nanoscience and Technology
Basic Eligibility
ME/M Tech or BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in an Engineering discipline orM Sc or equivalent degree in a Science discipline.
Selection Procedure
The selection of candidates for admission to research programs (including interdisciplinary programs) is by an interview held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during the period 7-11 June 2010.
The number of candidates called for interview will depend on the number of vacancies available in each department.
1.6.1 Short listing for Interview
• Candidates with ME/ M Tech or an equivalent degree including MBA (post BE/B Tech) opting for Ph D in Engineering will be short-listed based on their academic performance including GATE; or CSIR-UGC NET for JRF; or UGC NET for JRF; or ICMR JRF; or DBT JRF; or IISc Entrance Test; or JEST; or NBHM.
• Candidates with ME/ M Tech or an equivalent degree opting for Ph D in Science Faculty should qualify in any one of the following tests given below (a to g). They will be short-listed based on their performance in the qualifying test.
• Candidates with BE/ B Tech/ M Sc or an equivalent degree opting for M Sc(Engg) / Ph D in Engineering or Ph D in Science should qualify in any one of the following tests given below (a to g). They will be short-listed based on their performance in the qualifying test.
• Candidates who qualify through CSIR-UGC NET for JRF; or UGC NET for JRF; or ICMR JRF; or DBT JRF where quantitative measures are not known, may be subjected to another screening test at the Institute before the interview.
(a) IISc Entrance Test 2010
(b) GATE 2010 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
(c) Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF (with a valid certificate as on 1st of August 2010)
(d) UGC NET for JRF (with a valid certificate as on 1st of August 2010)
(e) ICMR JRF/DBT JRF (with a valid certificate as on 1st of August 2010) - for the
departments of BC, MD, ES, MC, and MB.
(f) NBHM (with a valid certificate as on 1st of August 2010)- for the department of Mathematics only.
(g) JEST 2010 - for the departments of PH, AP, HE, MB, IP, and SS.
Candidates with BE / B Tech or equivalent degree who may not have qualified in any of the above mentioned National Entrance Tests will also be considered for the Ph D program in Engineering. Short listing for interview of such candidates is based on their academic performance in the qualifying degree (upto 3rd year in BE / B Tech), and their performance in 10th and 12th /PUC examinations.
IISc Entrance Test 2010 - Sunday 25th April 2010 9 AM to 12 Noon
The Application Forms for Research, Course and Integrated Ph D programs may be obtained by any of the following three methods:
(1) Against a cash payment of Rs.700/- from select CANARA BANK Branches$ .
(2) Send your request for application form with 2 address slips (stickers), and a demand draft for Rs.700/- for general category (Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PH categories, along with a copy of an appropriate certificate) to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012. The DD must be drawn in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore”.
(3) Online application – Online submission of application may be made by accessing the IISc website www.iisc.ernet.in/admissions w.e.f. 08.02.2010. Online application fee is Rs.600/- for general category and Rs.300/- for SC/ST/PH categories.
For External Registration Program - Candidates should write to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore - 560 012, enclosing a DD for Rs.1500/- drawn in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore”.
Filled-in off-line and online application forms(hard copy) should reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore-560012 on or before 22.03.2010.
Separate application form should be used for each program viz Research or Course or Integrated Ph D. Only one application form will be entertained for each program.
Commencement of issue of Application forms (select Canara Bank Branches and IISc) and submission of online application. 08.02.2010
Last date for issue of Application forms (select Canara Bank Branches and IISc) and closure of website for submission of online application. 17.03.2010
Last date for receipt of completed Application forms both offline and online (hard copy). 22.03.2010
IISc Entrance Test: 25.04.2010
Select Canara Bank Branches where applications are issued:
Canara Bank Branches at Ahmedabad (Bhadra), Allahabad (MG Marg), Amritsar (DS Market), Bangalore (IISc. Campus, Indiranagar, Jayanagar Complex, Majestic), Bhopal (Berasia Rd), Bhubaneshwar (Bapujinagar), Calicut (Cherooty Rd), Chandigarh (Sector 17C), Chennai (Mount Road, T.Nagar, Guindy), Coimbatore (RS Puram), Delhi (Karolbagh, RK Puram, F-19 Connaught Circus), Dharwad (Market), Durgapur, Ernakulam (South), Gulbarga (Fort Rd), Guwahati (Fancy Bazar), Hyderabad (Abids Rd), Jaipur (Arvind Marg), Jamshedpur (Gulmohar Market), Kanpur (Mall Rd), Kolhapur (Laxmipuram), Kolkata (Chowringhee, Jadavpur, Brabourne Rd), Madurai (Grand Central), Mangalore (Hampankatta), Mumbai (Fort, Dadar West, Santacruz East, Chembur, New Mumbai), Mysore (Statue Square), Nagpur (Central Avenue), Panaji, Patna (South Gandhi Maidan), Pondicherry, Pune (Camp), Rourkela, Secunderabad (MG Rd), Srinagar (Residency Rd), Surat (Kotsafil Road), Surathkal (Main Rd), Thiruvananthapuram (Puthechanthai), Tiruchi (Teppakulam), Tirupathi, Vadodara (Raopura), Varanasi (Bansphatak), Vijayawada (Gandhinagar), Visakhapatnam (Suryabagh), Warangal (Station Rd).
visit www.iisc.ernet.in for more details
International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Banglore
M.Tech. Admissions 2010
Minimum Requirements
The minimum qualification for admission to any of the programs at iiit-b is a first-class four-year bachelor's degree in engineering (i.e. B.E., B.Tech., or equivalent). First class degree holders in 3-year undergraduate programs followed by Masters Degree with first class in any of the physical sciences, or an MCA degree with first class, can also apply. Final-year students expecting to graduate by August 2010 may also apply. First class or equivalent is required in 10th and 12th (or equivalent) grades as well.
Selection Procedure
Admission to the M.Tech. program is on the basis of prior academic performance (at the high school level and beyond), performance in the iiit-b's online admissions test and an admission interview. Applicants with good scores in the GATE examination and GRE examination may be eligible for waiver of Entrance Examination (see below).
Entrance Exam Waiver
Candidates with GATE Scores
Applicants having valid GATE scores from selected disciplines are welcome to apply for the M.Tech. program. Such applicants may qualify for waiver of the entrance examination. For more details visit http://www.iiitb.ac.in/adm_mtech.html
Candidates with GRE Scores
Applicants who meet the minimum requirements and have valid GRE General Test scores are welcome to apply for the M.Tech. program. Such applicants may also qualify for waiver of the entrance examination.
International Students
Foreign nationals (FNs) and non-resident Indians (NRIs) are welcome to apply for the M.Tech. program. Such applicants can obtain a waiver of the entrance examination with valid GRE and TOEFL scores. Only those students whose undergraduate education was in an Anglophone country (i.e. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, UK, and the US) are exempt from TOEFL. FNs and NRIs who are short listed for the interview, can also seek waiver of the interview by submitting three letters of recommendation.
Working Professionals
Working professionals applying for the M.Tech. program must get leave for the duration of the M.Tech. program. Such applications have to be sent through the employer (or accompanied by a letter from a supervisor or other authorized representative of the employer stating that there is no objection to the applicant's joining iiit-b as a student). Working students will also need sponsorship from the employer, or obtain support from other sources to meet their costs, as scholarships and other financial support are not available to working students.
How to Apply
Applicants may either apply online at our website or apply offline by requesting for a paper-based application form.
The following fees are applicable:
Application Fee: Rs. 250/-
Online Entrance Exam Fee: Rs. 750/-
The Application Fee together with the Entrance Exam fee (a total of Rs. 1000) is payable by all the candidates who do not wish to apply for entrance exam waiver. However, candidates who wish to apply for Entrance Exam waiver can do so by entering the GATE or GRE scores in the application form. Such candidates have to pay only the Application Fee of Rs. 250/- at the time of registration. Notification of waiver of Entrance Exam will happen by 26th March 2010. Candidates who do not obtain waiver of Entrance Exam but wish to appear in the Entrance Exam may do so by paying the Entrance Exam fee of Rs. 750/- by 2nd April 2010.
You can are encouraged to apply online by visiting the website http://iiitb.in. from 27 January 2010 onwards. Alternatively, you can download the Admissions Brochure and apply using the paper-based application form that is included in the brochure.
For those who are seeking entrance exam waiver through GATE/GRE scores, only the Application Fee of Rs 250/- is payable at the time of submitting the application. For these candidates, the Online Entrance Exam fee of Rs. 750/- is payable ONLY if they do not waivers for the entrance exam.
Online Entrance Exam
IIIT-B will be holding the online entrance examination as per the dates and locations given below:
April 4, 2010
Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai
April 11, 2010
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Cochin, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pune
Time Schedule for M.Tech Admissions 2010
Online Applications - Last date for receiving online applications with application fees : March 20, 2010
Offline Applications - Last date for receiving completed offline application together with the payment
February 28, 2010
Write to IIIT-B Registrar or admissions@iiitb.ac.in for any queries.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Kohinoor Business School – Maharashtra
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Admission 2010
The post graduate diploma in Management is a two year full time residential program with an emphasis on developing the candidates ability to translate theory into practice. It aims at promoting an inquiring & analytical mind, which proactively seeks the right knowledge, acquires the appropriate skills and promotes the right attitude to develop capabilities needed to manage enterprises in the twenty-first century.
Developing skills in leading and teamwork is an important facet of the programme. This anticipates practices in many of today’s successful organizations. The interactive skills of effective communication, conflict management, negotiation and mobilizing individuals towards common goals are the essential ingredients of effective management.
There is a strong emphasis on project work as a part of the regular courses at the Institute. While working on projects, students are required to interact with managers from the industry, on an average, a student graduating from the institute would have carried out fifteen projects, usually live, involving industry interaction.
Eligibility: Minimum three years Bachelor’s degree in any discipline recognized by the AICTE / UGC / Association of Indian Universities are eligible for the program. Candidates appearing for the final year Bachelor’s or equivalent degree examination are also eligible to apply, provided they complete all the requirements for the qualifying examination by 30th September 2010. Eligibility for SC/ST candidates will be same as specified by the AICTE.
Admission Procedure: Candidates seeking admission to KBSCMR, Khandala will have to appear in any of the mentioned test- CAT/XAT/MAT/ATMA. While applying for the mentioned test candidates have to mark KBSCMR as one of the college to which the applicant’s score should be sent.
How To Apply: Apply to KBSCMR by filling in a separate application form for registration. Application form can be obtained from Admission office in Mumbai or at Institute in Khandala against a fee to be tendered by way of DD of Rs.1000/-, in favour of “Kohinoor Business School & Center for Management Research” payable at Mumbai.
Application Form: For Online Application Form Click www.kohinoor.ac.in/form/form/register.asp
Old Pune – Mumbai Highway
Khandala – 410301
Dist. Pune
Email: kbscmr(AT)kohinoor.ac.in
Contact Numbers: (02114) 269 018 / 1800-22-6010
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology
National Conference on Networking and Information Security 2010
National Conference on Networking and Information Security (NCNIS) is an open forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge on Network and Information Security amongst researchers from various forums. This conference will be composed of contributed and invited papers of high quality standard and will encourage contributions in the fields of network & security. The program committee is soliciting significant research contributions to the theory, specification, design and implementation of network & security.
Topics: The topics are as follows but are not limited to
Networks / Wireless Communication / Cryptography and Security / Elliptic curve / Cryptography / Key management protocols / Public key cryptography / Watermarking / Digital signature / Quantum cryptography / Public key cryptanalysis / Hash functions / Symmetric-key cryptanalysis / Number theory / Secret-sharing / Applications of cryptography / Cryptanalysis / Mobile Computing / Ad-hoc / Sensor networks.
Important Dates:
Papers Submission: 1st Mar 2010
Acceptance Notification: 10th Mar 2010
Camera Ready Copy: 15th Mar 2010
Last date of Registration: 20st Mar 2010
On spot registration: 27th Mar 2010
Conference Dates: March 27-29, 2010
Registration Fees:
Faculty participant: Rs. 2500/-
Student participant: Rs. 2000/-
R&D/ Industry participant: Rs. 3000/-
On spot registration: Rs. 3000/-
Abstract Submission: Submitted papers must be written in English following IEEE conference paper format and should not exceed 5(five) A4 size pages. The first page must include the title of the paper, author(s) names and affiliation, an abstract, keywords, address for corresponding author, fax number, email. The papers must be submitted electronically to
Selection Procedure: The selection of contributions to be presented at the conference and published in the proceedings will be based on peer-review by the Expert Committee. It is required that each accepted paper be presented at the conference by one of its authors, otherwise only the abstract will be published. Authors of accepted papers are required to submit the final, camera-ready versions of their papers by March 15, 2010 to: < editor.ncnis_2010@yahoo.com>
How To Apply: At least one author of each contributed paper shall register for presenting the paper. All the presented papers will be published in the Proceeding of NCNIS-2010. For the papers which are not presented by the authors, paper will not be included in the Proceeding. In addition, a local tour to the places of tourist interest in and around Gangtok will be arranged for the interested participants on payment basis. For further details, please contact the coordinator < convener.ncnis_2010@yahoo.com>.
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology
Majitar – 737136,
East Sikkim
Email: convener.ncnis_2010(AT)yahoo.com
Contact Numbers: 09002832572 / 09434750771
Bachelor of Pharmacy Admission 2010
Integral University,Lucknow
The Objective of the Integral University, Lucknow shall be to promote.
. Innovations in education leading to restructuring of courses, new methods of teaching and learning and integral development of personality.
. Fostering intellectual enterprise through its diverse activities in the areas of education, research, training and consultancy with an enduring commitment to excellence.
. Studies in various discipline.
. Inter- disciplinary studies.
. National integration, secularism and international understanding.
. To bring the Muslim minorities into the main stream for overall development of India by imparting all modern and scientific education for their upliftment.
Eligibility: 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & (Maths/Computer Science/Biology / Biotechnology) with minimum 45% marks in aggregate.
Reservation: 50% seats are reserved for Muslim minority and 50% are open; reservation for girls, physically handicapped and NRI are also available in each category.
Important Dates:
Date of Entrance Test- Sunday, 9th May, 2010.
Application Deadline: Last date of submission of form is March 31, 2010.
Last Date of Submission of Form alongwith Late Fee i.e. Rs. 300/- is April 10, 2010
Candidates are advised to read instructions very carefully. The Integral University, Lucknow reserves the right to change the rules and regulations without any notice.
All the provisions given in this Prospectus shall be binding and acceptable to the students and their parents / guardians. Any change made from time to time in the rules, regulations and fees of the University shall mutatis mutandis apply to the admitted candidates.
The application form, complete in all respects, should reach the Coordinator, Admission Committee IUET-2010. Integral University, Lucknow. The Integral University, Lucknow will not be responsible for any delay either on the part of the post or for any reason whatsoever..
Besides 50% reservation for muslim minorities, 20% of the total seats in each course are reserved for girl candidates and 3% seats are reserved for Physically Handicapped candidates. Candidates seeking advantage of reserved categories, weightage etc. are required to enclose relevant supporting certificates with the application form. These certificates in original will have to be produced at the time of admission along with one attested copy of each one of them.
Course Fee: Rs. 117500/-
Admission Procedure: The eligible candidates seeking direct admission to Second year of B.Tech. / B.Pharm. are required to appear in the Entrance Test (IUET-2010). The candidates are required to submit the application forms to Co-ordinator, Admission Committee, IUET-2010 Integral University, Lucknow by the last date i.e. March 31st , 2010. The list of successful candidates for admission counselling to B.Tech. / B. Pharm. courses will be displayed on the Notice Board / Website of the University on May 21st , 2010.
Integral University,
Dasauli, P.O. Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow – 226026
Email: info(AT)integraluniversity.ac.in
Contact Numbers: 2890730, 2890812 (O)