
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

University of Hyderabad – Distance Education Admissions 2010

Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM)

University of Hyderabad invites applications for the following programmes in Distance Mode

Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM)
Eligibility: Any graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation & Networking (PGDLAN)
Eligibility: Graduate in Library Science

Post-Graduate Diploma in Chemical Analysis & Quality Management (PGDCAQM)
Eligibility: Any Graduate with subject Chemistry

Post-Graduate Diploma in Cyber Laws & Intellectual Property Rights (PGDCL&IPR)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management(PGDBM)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Communicative English (PGDCE)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication & Translation Techniques in Urdu (PGDMTU)
Eligibility: Any Graduate with Urdu as one subject

Post-Graduate Diploma in Energy Management (PGDENM)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Science (PGDCJ&FS)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Governance (PGDG)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Buddhist Studies (PGDBS)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights (PGDHR)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies in Hindi (PGDTSH)
Eligibility: Any Graduate with Hindi as one subject

Post-Graduate Diploma in Telecommunications (PGDTC)
Eligibility: Any Graduate in Mathematics & Physics or Electronics as subject

Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications in Indian Languages (PGDCAIL)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication & Translation Techniques in Telugu (PGDMCTTT)
Eligibility: Any Graduate with Telugu as one subject

Post-Graduate Diploma in Medicinal Botany (PGDMB)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development (PGDSRD)
Eligibility: Any Graduate

Certificate course in French (CCF)
Eligibility: 10+2

Certificate course in German (CCG)
Eligibility: 10+2

Eligibility Criteria:

Admissions to the Distance Education diploma programmes are open to all those who fulfill prescribed qualifications without any discrimination of race, caste, creed, language, age or sex. Admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit. There is No Entrance Examination. The marks obtained by the applicants in their graduate examination (i.e., B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.Lib.Sc. / B.E. / B.Tech. / M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com. / MBA etc.) is the basis on which the merit list for admission is prepared for all courses. Therefore only students who have completed their courses/degree or at least have taken their final examinations (awaiting results) are eligible to apply for admission into these Post-Graduate Diploma Programmes. However, additional academic qualifications and professional experience are taken into consideration for all admissions. (For courses to be offered in 2010, only students who are graduated on or before 31-12-09 or have taken the final examination in September/October 2009 and are waiting for results are eligible to apply).

The target groups for these programmes are either in-service personnel looking to improve their skills and knowledge or fresh graduates wishing to acquire qualification and improve their employability. Students pursuing other full time or part-time courses in this University or other Universities / Institutions may also seek admission to these programmes provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria.

The University reserves the right to decide to conduct the course and also the exact number of students to be admitted in each programme, depending on the demand for the course and its course delivery capacity.

The eligibility of students passing their qualifying examinations from Universities following the letter-grading system/Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be determined on the basis of percentage equivalent to the letter grade/CGPA obtained by the students as per the conversion formula adopted by the University concerned. In the absence of any such formula, the decision of this University will be final in determining the percentage equivalence.


The selection for admission to a programme is made on the basis of merit, academic record, professional experience, and service rendered in the areas that are directly related to the subjects.

Last date for submission of filled-in application: 30-1-2010

Submission of Application Forms:

Applications completed in all respects accompanied by copies of relevant certificates can be sent to the following address on or before the last date prescribed on the admission application form.
The Asst. Registrar Centre for Distance Education University of Hyderabad Hyderabad - 500046.

For more details visit:

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