
Saturday, May 10, 2008



Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956)
Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India


Application Form & Information Brochure

􀂃 BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
􀂃 B.Com. (Computer Applications)
􀂃 B.Sc. Computer Science

􀂃 M.S. Software Engineering
􀂃 M.Sc. Biotechnology

􀂃 Applied Microbiology
􀂃 Bio-Medical Genetics
􀂃 Biotechnology
􀂃 Chemistry (with specialisation in Analytical or Inorganic or Organic Chemistry)
􀂃 Computer Science
􀂃 Electronics
􀂃 Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The applicant for admission should be a Resident Indian National and should have studied regular, full time and formal education in schools / colleges located in India in the preceding two / three years.

UG / Five-Year Integrated Programmes
Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 1st July 1989 are eligible to apply. The date of birth as recorded in the High School / SSC/ Xth certificate will be considered authentic. Candidates should produce this certificate in original as a proof of their age at the time of interview, failing which they will be disqualified.



Candidates should have secured an aggregate of 60% and above in their +2 examination to be eligible to apply.

The aggregate marks obtained in the subjects in +2 (or its equivalent) put together should be 50% for the following categories:
􀂃 Candidates belonging to SC/ST
􀂃 Candidates hailing from Jammu & Kashmir and the North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.

Candidates belonging to SC/ ST category must fill in the proforma as given in Appendix-IV (Refer the information brochure given along with the application form) and have it attested by a competent authority (The list of authorities empowered for the same is given in Appendix-IV).

Candidates hailing from Jammu & Kashmir and the North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura should fill in the CERTIFICATE TO PROVE NATIVITY proforma given in Appendix-III (Refer the information brochure given along with the application form).

Applications forms received without mark statement will be summarily rejected.

B.Sc. Computer Science / BCA
ELIGIBILITY: A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State / Central Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects with a minimum of 60% overall aggregate.

B.Com. (Computer Applications)
ELIGIBILITY: A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State / Central Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 60% overall aggregate.
Students must have studied Commerce / Accountancy as one of the subjects.

M.S. Software Engineering (5 year Integrated Programme)
ELIGIBILITY: A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the state / Central Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 60% aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM).

MBA (5 year integrated programme)
ELIGIBILITY: A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State / Central Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 60% overall aggregate.

M.Sc. Biotechnology (5 year Integrated Programme)
ELIGIBILITY: A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State / Central Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Botany /Zoology or Biology as subjects with a minimum of 60% overall aggregate.

􀂃 Candidates should have graduated with a full-time degree from any recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks.
􀂃 Candidates appearing for their final degree exam / final semester exam in the current year are also eligible to apply.
􀂃 Candidates awaiting the final semester or final year exam results can also apply, provided they will complete their final year exams before the date of interview and would submit their final year mark sheet on or before the 15th August 2008; failing which the candidate’s admission to the programme would be cancelled and fees paid shall be forfeited.

M.Sc. Applied Microbiology /Biotechnology / Biomedical Genetics
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. degree from a recognized university in any branch of Biological Science that includes Botany / Zoology, Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Nutrition (or) Home Science / Agricultural Science / Medicine.

M.Sc. Chemistry (with specialization in Analytical or Inorganic or Organic Chemistry)
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. degree in either Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Applied Science from any recognized university with Physics and Mathematics (or) Biology as ancillary subjects.

M.Sc. Electronics
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. degree from any recognized university with Physics /Applied Sciences/ Electronics (or) BES.

M.Sc. Computer Science
ELIGIBILITY: Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university in Computer Science / Computer Applications.

M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. degree from any recognized University with Chemistry or Biochemistry / Botany / Zoology / Biotechnology / Microbiology / Life Sciences with Chemistry as one of the subjects or B.Pharm.

There will be no entrance examination for admissions to the programmes indicated above.

Candidates will be called for an interview in the order of merit based on:
􀂃 The aggregate of total marks secured in the +2 / Higher Secondary Examination for UG / M.Sc.

Biotechnology (5 year integrated) and MBA (5 year Integrated) degree programmes.
􀂃 The aggregate marks secured in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the +2 / Higher Secondary Examination for M.S. Software Engineering programme.
􀂃 The selected for MBA (5year Integrated) programme is also based on the performance on Group Discussion and Personal Interview.

Candidates will be called for an interview in the order of merit of their aggregate marks secured in
their undergraduate degree programmes calculated upto the pre-final year (this is inclusive of
Languages and all other subjects they have studied upto pre-final year).


The Application Forms will be issued from 12-05-2008 for all the programmes.

The VIT Main Brochure and the Information Brochure for Undergraduate and M.Sc. programmes, along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self-addressed envelope, can be obtained in person from VIT University at Vellore or from the Chennai Administrative Office, New No.6, (Old No. W-73), Second Street (Opposite Towers Club), Anna Nagar, Chennai-600 040 (Phone: 044-42016555 / 65480555, Fax: 044-26222555), by handing over a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “VIT University” payable at Vellore.

Candidates can also obtain the set of Brochures with the Application Form and printed self-addressed envelope alternatively through Post from VIT University by sending a Demand Draft in favour of “VIT University”, payable at Vellore accompanied by a covering letter addressed to “ADMISSIONS OFFICER”, VIT University, Vellore-632014, requesting for the application form of the particular programme (Refer section – 2), indicating your complete postal address. On receipt of the DD, the application form with the enclosures will be sent by post. The postal charges will be borne by the University. Candidates are advised to write their name and address on the reverse of the DD.

􀂃 Undergraduate programmes / M.Sc. Biotechnology (5 Year integrated programme) - Rs.350/-
􀂃 MBA (5 Year Integrated Programme) - Rs.400/-
􀂃 M.S. (Software Engineering) (5 Year Integrated Programme) - Rs.600/-
􀂃 M.Sc. programmes - Rs.500/-

A separate application form is available for the M.S. Software Engineering, MBA, Undergraduate / M.Sc. Biotechnology (5 year integrated) and M.Sc. programmes.

Candidates are requested to make sure they purchase the correct application form.

M.S. Software Engineering (5 year Integrated) Degree Programme
􀂃 Issue of application forms – 12-05-2008 (Monday)
􀂃 Last date for issue & submission of the application forms – 07-06-2008 (Saturday)
􀂃 Publication of short listed candidates in website – 11-06-2008 (Wednesday)
􀂃 Tentative date for interview – 18-06-2008 (Wednesday)
􀂃 Last Date for payment of fees – 02-07-2008 (Wednesday)
􀂃 Commencement of classes – 21-07-2008 (Monday)

UG / M.Sc. Biotechnology and MBA (5 year Integrated) Degree Programmes
􀂃 Issue of application forms – 12-05-2008 (Monday)
􀂃 Last date for issue & submission of the application forms – 07-06-2008 (Saturday)
􀂃 Publication of short listed candidates in website – 11-06-2008 (Wednesday)
􀂃 Tentative dates for interview

UG / M.Sc. Biotechnology (5 year Integrated) – 20-06-2008 (Friday)

MBA (5 year Integrated) – 19-06-2008 (Thursday)
􀂃 Last Date for payment of fees – 02-07-2008 (Wednesday)
􀂃 Commencement of classes – 21-07-2008 (Monday)

M.Sc. Degree Programmes
􀂃 Issue of application forms – 12-05-2008 (Monday)
􀂃 Last date for issue & submission of the application forms – 07-06-2008 (Saturday)
􀂃 Publication of short listed candidates in website – 13-06-2008 (Friday)
􀂃 Tentative date for interview – 24-06-2008 (Tuesday)
􀂃 Last Date for payment of fees – 04-07-2008 (Friday)
􀂃 Commencement of classes – 18-07-2008 (Friday)
Admission to Under Graduate / M.SC. Degree Programmes(2008-09)
Application Form & Information Brochure

For Admission details, visit website: or contact:
ADMISSIONS OFFICER, VIT University, Vellore-632014
Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: 0416-2202168/ 2202157
Fax: 0416-2245544, 2240411. Email:
Chennai Administrative Office
New No.6, (Old No. W-73), Second Street (Opposite Towers Club), Anna Nagar, Chennai-600 040 (Phone: 044-42016555 / 65480555, Fax: 044-26222555)

National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research (NITTTR)

Master of Technical Education (M.Tech.Ed.) ADMISSION 2008-2010

Shamla Hills, Bhopal-462002 (M.P.), India
Fax: 0091 -755 – 2661996, 5235171
Phone: (O) - 0091- 755 – 2661216 ,(R) - 0091-755 - 2661233
EPABX: 2661600 to 602, 5220170 to 172
(Under Ministry of Human Resources Development, GOI)
(ISO 9001:2000 Certified)

Announces Admission to
XIX Batch of Master of Technical Education (M.Tech.Ed.)
PROGRAMME - 2008-2010

National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, Bhopal (formerly known as TTTI, Bhopal) is a unique premier institution, established in 1966 by Government of India, (then Ministry of Education), now Ministry of Human Resources Development for teacher training and improving quality of Technical Education System in the country. Over the years, the institute has developed its expertise and capacity in offering wide variety of training and development services and products to States’ Technical Education System, & Government India. The Institute along with its Extension Centres at Ahmedabad, Pune and Panaji has developed an excellent working synergic partnership with Technical Institutions of repute at National & International level besides industries and field organizations. In particular, the institute possess capability and expertise in areas of Human Resources Development i.e. Training & Development, Technical Education System Development, Policy Formulation, Education Research, Curriculum Development, Continuing Education, Community Development, Instruction/Learning Resources Development including Video Production and Multimedia Development, Educational Projects Planning & Management, Evaluation of Programmes & Projects, Extension and Consultancy Services. Institute offers wide variety of short-term programmes for its clientele; in addition to unique, long term education-cum-training programme i.e. Master of Technical Education (M.Tech.Ed.) Programme. Eminent teachers also pursue Ph.D. in Technical Education at this Institute.

NITTTR Bhopal is an ISO 9001:2000 certified Institution for its quality services and products. It is internationally recognized for its HRD services, Technical Education System Development and Innovative Approaches and for Developing Professionally Competent Manpower. It has provided consultancy services to countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Somalia, Philippines, Cyprus, Iran, and Ethiopia in their staff development ventures. It has also extended its expert services to International Institutions and organizations like World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and in Projects funded/supported by Canada/Germany & DANIDA.

In 1985, the Institute launched a demand driven Post-Graduate Programme, unique in Asia, i.e. "Master of Technical Education" under a distinguished Faculty of Technical Education of the Barkatullah University, Bhopal. About 155 senior teachers from Indian Polytechnics and Technical/Engineering Institutes abroad have successfully completed the programme. After successful completion of the programme, they have earned recognition as Professionals in the field and are contributing significantly as leaders, education managers to their respective education systems in home states and countries. Many of them occupy higher and key positions e.g. Principals, Directors, Secretaries of Examination Boards, Heading the department and Co-ordinators of Curriculum Development, Continuing Education, Training & Placement and Learning Resource Development Centres.

The programme is Credit based and flexible in nature and open to sponsored eligible candidates working in technical institutions/organizations in India and abroad.

Prospectus and Application Form can be obtained by Cash payment of Rs.200/- in person or sending a Demand Draft of Rs.200/- favouring "Director, NITTTR" payable at Bhopal. Application Form also downloaded from their website: and send to Director, NITTTR, Bhopal along with DD of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only)


The programme is aimed at Technical Teachers, Trainers, Educators & Administrators. Successful completion of the programme enables them to:
1. Enhance their professional capabilities and understanding of the developments in technical education and teaching-learning processes with effective use of Information and Communication Technology.
2. Develop capabilities in areas like Curriculum Development, Education Research, Education Technology & Instructional System Design, Education Management and Education Measurement & Evaluation.
3. Enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities for improving quality, efficiency and capacity building of Technical/Engineering Education System.
4. Become effective professional educators, educational leaders and managers, trainers, and supervisors of the Technical/Engineering Education System and allied academia.
5. Develop capabilities in design, implementation and evaluation of educational and training programmes and projects.
6. Develop expertise in Education & training through experimentation, training, other activities in Technical/Engineering Education Sector
7. Become effective and positive in innovations, reforms and research in areas pertaining to Technical/Engineering Education.
8. Develop sensitivity & responsiveness towards Community Development, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development.

The programme is of 80 credits, 20 Credits in each of the 04 semesters. One credit is equivalent to 30 hours of trainees' work, which includes contact hours, assignments and self-study etc.
a) First Semester (20 credits) – 06 Courses
􀂃 Foundation Courses: (common to all).

b) Second Semester (20 Credits) – 05 Courses
􀂃 Elective, Engineering/Technology Courses: 02 Nos. (relevant discipline)
􀂃 Elective, Stream specific courses: 1 No.
􀂃 Other stream courses: 2 Nos.

c) Third Semester (20 Credits) – 05 Courses
􀂃 Elective, Stream specific courses: 2 No.
􀂃 Elective, Stream specific experiential learning project: 1 No.
􀂃 Elective, Engineering/Technology discipline relevant experiential learning project: 1 No.
􀂃 Preparation of proposal for major research dissertation project work: 1 No.

d) Fourth Semester (20 Credits)
􀂃 Major Research/Dissertation Project Work: 20 Credits

M.Tech.Ed. Programme is of 2 years duration spread over 04 semesters.

The Programme is approved by:
i. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, Govt. of India,
ii. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) which is an apex statutory body of Govt. of India at the National level, and
iii. Board of Studies under the faculty of Technical Education, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

In-service Teachers/ Administrators of Technical/ Engineering Education System working in Diploma/ Degree/ PG level Institution in India/ Abroad.

1. First Class Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)/ Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) or equivalent Degree in any branch of engineering from a recognized University.
2. At least 03 years experience in teaching/industry/administration in Technical Education System.
3. Sponsorship by the competent authority, and
4. Proficiency in English-speaking, reading and writing (in case of Foreign Candidates only).

Highly participative and interactive instructional resource based modern methods and techniques are used.

The Post-Graduate Degree awarded by Barkatullah University, Bhopal is "Master of Technical Education". This degree is deemed equivalent to the Master's Degree in Engineering or Technology (M.E./M. Tech.) of any Indian University for the purpose of Career Advancement of the pass-outs.

􀂙 Post-Graduate Hostel (Visvesvariya Hostel) 24 suits double-seated rooms, the Chandrakant Hostel with 100 rooms.
􀂙 Mess and dining hall in the Hostel.
􀂙 Pay Telephone in the hostel, Television with cable connection, Newspapers and Magazines.

􀂾 Picturesque, neat and clean environment in area of 35 acres.
􀂾 Well-furnished classrooms and seminar halls, equipped with hi-tech equipment.
􀂾 Well-equipped library with latest Books and Journals and Resource Centre conducive to self-study;
􀂾 Computer Centre and Media Research & Development Centre equipped with latest hardware/software for production of Multimedia and Video programme.
􀂾 Well-equipped Dispensary to attend to occasional illness.
􀂾 Recreation hall with facilities of indoor games.
􀂾 An open ground for outdoor games.

􀁺 The Programme is going to be launched in flexible learning mode (Distance and Online mode) in near future.
􀁺 NITTTR is going to become a Deemed University in near future. This programme will be included under the NITTTR Deemed University.

National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research, Shamla Hills, Bhopal-462002 (M.P.), India. Fax: 0091 -755 – 2661996, 5235171
Phone: (O) - 0091- 755 – 2661216 , (R) - 0091-755 - 2661233
EPABX: 2661600 to 602, 5220170 to 172


Research Project /Senior and General Fellowships Proposals(2008-09)

(Ministry of Human Resource Development)

Research Project /Senior & General Fellowships Proposals(2008-09)
Research Projects :
ICSSR invites proposals for financial support through Project Grants and Fellowships-General & Senior for the year 2008-09. The research proposals may belong to anyone of the social science disciplines or may be interdisciplinary in nature. The recognized disciplines are :
(i) Economics/Commerce/Management/Business Administration (ii) Sociology and Social Anthropology/Social Work/Demography/Gender Studies; (iii) Political Science/International Relations/Geography/Public Administration; (iv) Psychology/Education/Criminology; (v) Others- Linguistics/Law etc.

Invitation of proposals for financial support under above disciplines includes for Northeast Region (NER) also.

The applicants are requested to indicate under which clubbing of disciplines their proposals falls.

1. For projects and fellowships a scholar must have Ph.D. or equivalent publication and the CV must indicate capability of independent research;

2. Age: For Projects-upper age limit should preferably be 70 years, for General Fellowship-50 years, and for Senior Fellowship-there is no age bar;

The applicant shall be affiliated to Universities/Colleges/Institutions recognized and funded by Central/State Government. In case of other institutions/NGOs/Registered Societies, the applicant will have to furnish additional details in accordance with Annexure V of the Research Project Booklet. Affiliation will be granted to only such institutions/NGOs which satisfy the conditions laid down in our format.

Detailed financial informations about Research Project, General and Senior Fellowships may be seen in the concerned schemes on our website. Maximum duration of a Research Project, General and Senior Fellowships is two years extendable by one more year only in exceptional cases. Salary protected cases are strictly for two years.

Last date for submitting research proposals for PROJECT, GENERAL AND SENIOR Fellowships is 30th May 2008. Applications which are received after the deadline date or are incomplete in any respect will be rejected. The proposal which qualifies the first round of screening by expert in the Council will be recommending for a interaction with the subject expert. A communication in this regard shall be sent to the applicants whose projects will qualify for interaction. We expect to communicate final decision to successful candidates by August/September 2008.

Complete application, as per the prescribed format, for all categories would include; (i) five copies of research proposal, (ii) five copies of 500-word summary of the research proposal, (iii) five copies of cost estimates (required only in case of projects), (iv) five copies of bio-data in prescribed format, (v) Letter of consent from the affiliating organization, and (vi) document containing the profile of the affiliating organization, in case of NGO/Registered Society/Unrecognized Institution only. Please see Annexures from I to VI in our Research Project booklet.

Formats for research proposals with all details in respect of Research Projects, General and Senior Fellowships can be downloaded from their website:

Applications must be sent by registered mail, acknowledgement due, or through courier.

ICSSR does not accept applications by FAX or E-mail Mailed or couriered applications must be postmarked not later than the deadline date. If the deadline falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the next working day applies.

Sponsored Research Programmes
The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) invites proposals from research institutes for research programmes in order to focus research on key thrust areas which are of high contemporary significance. Guidelines for submission of proposals for research programmes are given on ICSSR’s website : The Council in its deliberations has suggested a few thrust areas, which could be considered for formulating the proposals. These are the following:-

Globalisation and its Impact: The current phase of globalization has had wide ramification in terms of its impact on culture, societies, livelihoods and class for concerted policy responses.

Development Equity and Inclusion: The current patterns of development have raised concerns regarding differential impact as well as inclusion/exclusion of certain groups, defined on the basis of social identity, ethnicity, gender, class region etc.

Crisis and Response: Crisis originating both from the patterns of development as well as from exogenous causes and responses to these require systematic research.

The above themes are suggestive and do not preclude submission of proposals on other themes considered relevant by the institutions.

The proposal should be submitted to the Council by May 30th,2008.

Guidelines for submission of proposals on Sponsored Research
Programmes :
Proposal for Research Programme: Formulation, Submission and General Conditions
1) An institution/group of institutions interested in carrying out a Programme of research on a given theme, in which it has necessary facilities and expertise, may submit a proposal thereon to the ICSSR.
2) The institution shall suggest the name of the Programme Coordinator and other resource persons in the programme and furnish their curriculum vitae with major publications including research papers/ articles published in peer reviewed Journals. In addition, it shall provide information about the facilities and other expertise available at the host institute.
3) The proposal for the research programme should be self-contained and should cover the rationale for running a programme.
4) Detailed phasing of the activities with a schedule of delivery.
5) Brief outlines of specific studies to be carried out.
6) Financial implication and phase-wise distribution of expenditure:
(a) Personnel (the designation and the pay structure to be specified, (b) Field Work, (c) Travel (including travel abroad where necessary), (d) Data Processing, (e) Stationery, (f) Printing, (g) Books, Journals, Photocopies, etc. (h) Contingency, and (i) Overhead charges (7.5% of the total project cost), (j) Any Other (to be specified with full justification)

The research programme will be supervised by a Coordinator/Coordinating Committee, consisting of members of academic staff and others (whereas necessary) nominated by the institution. One of the members of this Committee shall be the Principal Coordinator. The research projects, under the programme, shall be directed by one or more of the members of the coordinating committee. Complete information about the coordinating committee, principal coordinator, and directors of individual projects shall be given in the proposals.

Seven copies of the proposal, complete in all respects, should be submitted to the ICSSR by 30th May 2008.

On receipt of the report of the Committee appointed by the Research Committee of ICSSR the Council will make the final decision on the sanction of any such programme.
Permission to transfer a research programme from one institution to another will ordinarily not be granted. Prior approval of the ICSSR would be needed for a change of the Principal Coordinator.

The ICSSR would hold an annual review of each research programme through a team of consultants appointed for the purpose.

The proposal, with all necessary details, may be sent to :
Director (Research Projects)
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Post Box No.10528, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
JNU Institutional Area, New Delhi-110067



(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007



Director, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, invites applications from eligible candidates who are bonafide Indian citizens and having consistently good academic record for applying for the Ph.D Programme from students with the Life Science Background. Candidates qualified in the CSIR-UGC (NET) examination for JRF, ICMR-JRF examination under Life Sciences and DBT-JRF examination can apply. However, the candidates qualified only for Lectureship in CSIR-UGC (NET) examination need not apply. Engineering or B.Pharm graduates with Biotechnology as a subject of study and have qualified in GATE examination with a minimum of 85 percentile may also apply subject to their qualifying in the written test/interview and award of fellowship by CSIR. The complete information about this Notification and the details of areas of Research Projects at CCMB are downloadable in PDF format. Candidats found suitable for selection will be called for written test on 13.06.2008 at ccmb, Hyderabad. Candidates qualified in the written test will have to appear for interview on 14th & 15th June, 2008. Candidates selected in the interview will have to stay for discussion on 16.06.2008 with Scientists at CCMB regarding allotment of projects for the Ph.D. Programme. The closing date to apply in response to this notification is 16.05.2008

Controller of Administration

Director, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, invites applications from candidates who are bonafide Indian citizens and having consistently good academic record. Candidates should have strong motivation to pursue research in modern biology leading to a Ph.D degree. The projects offered for Ph.D would be in the broad areas of (i) Biotechnology and Biomedicine (ii) Genetics and Evolution (iii) Cell Biology and Development (iv) Molecular Biology (v) Biochemistry and Biophysics (vi) Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology. For details, see their Website :

Candidates who satisfy the following criteria only need apply:

1. Should have an M.Sc. degree in any area of biological/physical/chemical sciences including mathematics and qualified in the CSIR-UGC (NET) examination for Junior Research Fellowship. The Fellowship Certificate should be valid as on the date of joining. (Candidates qualified only for Lecturership in CSIR-UGC (NET) examination need not apply.

2. Candidates qualified in ICMR-JRF examination under Life Sciences may apply. Admission will be subject to their qualifying in the CCMB written test/interview and award of Fellowship by ICMR.

3. Candidates qualified in DBT-JRF examination can also apply.

4. Engineering (B.E. & B.Tech.) or B.Pharm graduates with Biotechnology as a subject of study and have qualified in GATE examination with a minimum of 85 percentile may also apply for award of Research Fellowship subject to their qualifying in the written test/interview and award of fellowship by CSIR. The GATE certificate should be valid as on the date of joining. (M.Sc/MTech/MPharm candidates qualified in GATE examination need not apply.)

5. Students with non-life sciences background (having master degree in Mathematics/ Statistics/ Physics/Chemistry and B.Tech in Computer Sciences or other Engineering discipline) are specifically encouraged to apply, if they have high desire and motivation in doing interdisciplinary research in Life Sciences.

6. Students with MBBS with first division may also apply. Selected candidates should also qualify/obtain the Senior Research Fellowship conducted by the Human Resource Development Group, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi, to pursue PhD in CCMB.

7. Upper age limit is 28 years as on 16.52008 which is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Women/Physically Handicapped candidates.

Applications : Candidates who satisfy the above criteria may submit their typed applications on plain paper with the following details:(Please superscribe “Application for the Ph.D. programme” on the application form as well as the envelope) 1) Full name of the candidate (in BLOCK LETTERS); 2) Correspondence and Permanent address with Telephone number and email address; 3) Date of birth and age in years; 4) Nationality; 5) State whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped/General (in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH, please enclose attested copy of the certificate); 6) Date and year of passing CSIR-UGC (NET) examination with Roll No., CSIR/UGC Scheme and subject; validity period and whether the fellowship is activated and if so, please furnish the particulars; 7) Date and year of passing GATE/ICMR-JRF/ DBT-JRF examination with Regn. No., percentile and subject; validity period; 8) Educational qualifications commencing from 10th class, Intermediate, B.Sc/B.V.Sc. and M.Sc/M.V.Sc/BE/B.Tech. with name of the University, year of passing, Class/Division, percentage of marks, subjects (underline the main), etc.

The filled in applications affixed with a signed recent passport size photograph and attested copies of certificates of date of birth, educational qualifications, etc. should reach the Controller of Administration, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, by 16.5.2008.

Written Test and Interview : All the applications will be screened and candidates found suitable will be called for written test on 13.6.2008 at CCMB, Hyderabad. Candidates qualified in the written test will have to appear for interview on 14th & 15th June, 2008. Candidates selected in the interview will have to stay for discussions on 16.6.2008 with Scientists at CCMB regarding allotment of projects for the Ph.D. programme. Traveling Allowance is not payable by CCMB and candidates have to make their own arrangements for stay, etc. at Hyderabad.
Candidates who have qualified in CSIR-UGC NET Fellowship or ICMR-JRF or DBT-JRF can also walk in on the day of the written test (13th June, 2008) at 7.30 AM in CCMB along with proof of their qualification for the respective fellowship. They are requested to send an email intimating the same to COA, CCMB at
Mere fulfilling of the minimum requirements stipulated in the notification would not automatically entitle a person for selection. The decision of the Centre in this regard shall be final. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification.

Controller of Administration



Established by Parliament by notification No. 225 of 1916)
VARANASI- 221 005
Tel.: 0542-2368418 , 2307257 Fax: 091-0542-2368418


The University will hold COMMON RESEARCH ENTRANCE TEST (CRET) on 24th June, 2008 at Varanasi for admission to programmes leading to Ph. D. /Vidyāvāridhi Degree for July 2008 and January 2009 semesters in various disciplines in different Faculties except Faculty of Engineering & Technology where admissions will be done under CRET-exempted category.

The details about these are available in the Information Bulletin and at their website

Candidates appearing in the final year of the qualifying examination may also apply but results should be declared before the commencement of the Semester. Reservations will be as per Government of India rules as applicable at the time of admission.

INFORMATION BULLETIN PLUS APPLICATION FORM can be obtained only from the ENTRANCE TEST CELL, OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS, BHU, VARANASI - 221 005, either on cash payment of Rs.50/- (Fifty) only from 11 AM to 3 PM on working days OR by registered post by sending a written request mentioning: name, postal address & details of crossed MICR Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque along with : (i) A crossed MICR Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque issued by any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank for Rs.100/- (One Hundred) only in favour of the CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS, BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY, payable at Varanasi, (ii) A self-addressed unstamped envelope of the size 32cm x 26cm.

(1) Application Processing/Test Fee shall be payable along with the filled up application form as per details in the Information Bulletin.
(2) Only MICR Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque is acceptable.
(3) Foreign nationals are exempted from appearing in CRET and are required to contact the International Centre, C/3/3, Tagore House, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221 005 for further details.
(4) Candidates may visit our website for further details.
(5) Application Form- incomplete and/or received after the last date, shall not be accepted.
(6) University shall not be responsible for any delay/loss of application form in postal transit/courier.

Incomplete Application Form, not properly documented and Application Form received after the prescribed last date shall not be accepted.

Commencement date of sale of application forms from the office counter and by post: 08.05.2008
Last date for receipt of requisition for sending the application forms by registered post: 20.05.2008
Last date for sale of application forms from the office : 04.06.2008
Last date for receipt of duly completed application forms both by hand and by post : 04.06.2008

DATE AND TIME OF CRET: Tuesday, 24.06.2008 from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m



Banaras Hindu University
Established by Parliament by Notification No. 225 of 1916)
VARANASI - 221005


Applications are invited for the Entrance Test of Three and A Half year Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery-2008 BHU. Application form can be either downloaded from IMS website ( or BHU website ( free of cost or can be obtained from the Office of the Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, B.H.U. Varanasi-221005 from 12-05-2008 by sending a self addressed unstamped envelope (24 X 30 cm) and a DD of Rs 50.00 drawn in favour of Director, IMS, BHU payable at Varanasi (by post till 11.06.2008 and in person till 24.06.2008).
The Duly completed application form (all the four pages) including 3 photographs along with required documents and DD of Rs. 500.00 for General Category or Rs. 400.00 for SC/ST category in favour of Director, IMS, BHU payable at Varanasi must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 26.06.08 upto 5 pm.
ELIGIBILITY : Intermediate / 10+2 or equivalent with subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English having 45% marks in aggregate for General Category & 35% for SC/ST category and Unmarried or Divorcee / Widow with no children liability.
Age : 17 to 35 yrs. for all categories as on 01.09.2008 (Indian National Female only).



An Institution of National Importance)


Applications are invited for admission to 1st semester M.Tech, M.Sc and Ph.D programmes for July-Dec 2008 session.
Download (i) Detailed Advertisement, (ii) Application Form and (iii) MTech/PhD Regulations
M.Tech: Specialization-
1.(a)“Water Resources Engineering” (b) “Earthquake Engineering” (under CE Deptt),
2. “Power and Energy System Engg” (under EE Deptt),
3.(a) “Thermal Engineering” (b) “Design and Manufacturing” (under ME Deptt) and
4. “Micro-electronics & VLSI Design” (under Electronics and Tele-com Engg Deptt).

M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry

Ph.D: Programmes in (i) Civil Engg, (ii) Mechanical Engg, (iii) Electrical Engg, (iv) Electronics and Tele-com Engg (v) Physics, (vi) Chemistry (vii) Mathematics and (viii) Humanities & Social Sciences. The information regarding application forms (downloadable), minimum qualifications, regulations, specializations, short listed candidates for interview, date of interview, fees for admission etc. shall be available in the Institute’s website Application forms may also be obtained from the office of the Dean (Academic Affairs) on request by sending a self addressed stamped (50/-) envelope (A-4 size). Last date for submission of completed form to respective Head of the Department is 30 June, 2008.
Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
Phone: (03842) 242025 . Fax: (03842) 233797
Dean (Academic Affairs)

MSc PROGRAMME: “Applied Chemistry” under the Deptt of Chemistry

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:(i) Bachelor’s degree in Science with honours or equivalent in the appropriate area, at least 60% marks or 6.5 in CGPA/CPI on a 10 point scale.(ii) A relaxation of 5% or 0.5 in CGPA/CPI on a 10 point scale may be extended to the candidates belonging to SC/ST category.

• “Water Resources Engineering” under Civil Engg Deptt• “Earthquake Engineering” under Civil Engg Deptt• “Thermal Engineering” under Mechanical Engg Deptt • “Design and Manufacturing ” under Mechanical Engg Deptt, • “Power and Energy System Engineering” under Electrical Engg Deptt, • “Microelectronics and VLSI Design” under Electronics and Telecom Engg. Deptt.

(i) Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in an appropriate area OR (ii) MSc in electronics or Electronics Science with valid GATE scores (for admission in Microelectronics and VLSI Design) (iii) For all the programmes, at least 60% marks or 6.5 in CGPA/CPI on a 10 point scale or equivalent. (iv) A relaxation of 5% or 0.5 in CGPA/CPI on a 10 point scale may be extended to the candidates belonging to SC/ST category. The students whose qualifying results are awaited are eligible to apply. (v) Valid GATE scores for Regular (full-time) students for receiving Institute Assistantship only.

Civil Engineering
􀂾 Water Resource Engineering􀂾 Geotechnical Engineering􀂾 Structural Engineering􀂾 Environmental Engineering􀂾 Engineering Seismology􀂾 Earthquake Engineering
Mechanical Engg
􀂾 Thermal Engineering􀂾 Production Engineering􀂾 Design􀂾 Thermo Fluids􀂾 Optimizations
Electrical Engg􀂾 Electric Drives􀂾 Signal Processing in Electrical Engg.􀂾 Wavelet Applications in Electrical Engg..􀂾 Power System Protection􀂾 Control Systems􀂾 System Automation􀂾 Power Quality􀂾 Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Dynamical System􀂾 Application of Soft Computing Techniques􀂾 Power System Optimization, Deregulation􀂾 Automatic Generation and Control􀂾 Electric Drives
Electronics & Tele -com. Engg
􀂾 Microelectronics & VLSI Design􀂾 Semiconductor Device & Modeling􀂾 Power Electronics
Physics􀂾 Liquid Crystals􀂾 Interface States Studies in Semi-conductor Devices􀂾 Biomolecular Physics􀂾 Nanotechnology and Photonics􀂾 Carrier Transport in Thin Films􀂾 Solid State Gas Sensors
􀂾 Pyrolysis of biomass & wastes, Co-processing of Petroleum residue with waste plastics, Adsorption, Polymer & its Composites Waste-water treatment.􀂾 Analytical Chemistry and Kinetics of Complexes􀂾 Processing, Characterization and Industrial Utilisation of Coal Ash/ Fly ash.
􀂾 Sequence Space and Summability Theory􀂾 Fuzzy Sequences
Humanities & Social Sciences
􀂾 Political Science, Sociology and Political Economy􀂾 Management of Small Business, Accountancy & Finance 􀂾 English: English Literature (Indian writing in English)􀂾 Management.􀂾 Economics: Agricultural Economics; Development Economics; Internatio-nal Trade; Border Trade; Economics of Globalisation; Regional Economics; Indian Economics

(i) ME/MTech degree or equivalent in an appropriate area with minimum CPI of 6.5 (60% marks) OR (ii) BE/B.Tech with an excellent academic record and with CPI of at least 8(70% marks) for admission in Engineering Deptts (iii) MSc in Science with relevant discipline with first class or a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent for admission in Sciences Deptts (iv) MA with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent for admission in Humanities and Social Science Deptt.(v) A relaxation of 5% or 0.5 in CGPA/CPI on a 10 point scale may be extended to the candidates belonging to SC/ST category.

Assistantship to regular full-time students with valid GATE/NET score may be awarded subject to availability of fund.

The details of regulations, fee structure and application forms (downloadable), date of interview etc. are given herewith(website).The short listed candidates for attending interview shall also be available in the website in due course. The session shall start from July 2008. Completely filled in application forms must reach the respective Head of the Deptt, latest by 30 June, 2008.
(A) Important Dates:
(i) Last date for submission of the completed form : 30.06.08
(ii) Date of short-listing of candidates : 05.07.08
(iii) Date of Interview : 21.07.08
(iv) Date of Registration : 25.07.08
(B) Fees for Post Graduate Programmes (MSc, M.Tech and Ph.D) at NIT SilcharPer Semester:
Total: Rs. 4300.00
Institutional Fees to be paid once at Admission: Rs. 500.00
Hostel Fees (per year): Rs. 2160.00
Advance Deposit/Refundable (once during admission): Rs. 3500.00
Total to be paid by a hosteller at admission time: Rs.10460.00
Total to be paid by a non-hosteller at admission time: Rs. 6800.00
SC/ST: Tuition fee is waived.


Addmission Notice for Post Graduate and Ph.D. Courses Academic Session 2008-2009

A Central University)
Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road, Lucknow - 226025

Addmission Notice for Post Graduate and Ph.D. Courses Academic Session 2008-2009

Applications are invited for Admission to the following full time Courses of the University. Entrance Test for admission shall be conducted on 7&8 June 2008 at Lucknow, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Jammu. The University reserve the right to cancel any of the examination Centre and allot other.

M.A. Economics
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 45% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Economics/Commerce/Business Administration / Agricultural Economics or in Science with Mathematics as a paper at 10+2 level.

M.A. History
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any subject.

M.A. Political Science
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any Social Sciences subjects.

M.A. Sociology
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any Social Sciences subjects

MCA. Computer Application
General Eligibility:
Graduate Degreee* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any subject with Mathematics at +2 level.

MLISc. Library & Information Science
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any subject.

M.Sc. Applied Animal Science
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Life Science with Zoology/Animal Science/ Sericulture.

M.Sc. Biotechnology
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Life Science/Agricultural Sciences/Medical Sciences or other allied subjects like Microbiology/ Biochemistry/Physiology/Biophysics.

M.Sc. Environmental Microbiology
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Life Science/Agriculture Science/Home Science or their allied disciplines.

M.Sc. Environmental Science
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Life Science/Agriculture Science/Home Science or their allied disciplines.

M.Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Agriculture/Biology/Life Science.

M.Sc. Human Development Studies
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Home Science.

M.Sc. Information Technology
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Science with Mathematics or BCA/BIT/B.Sc (hons) in Computer Science/Information Technology with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) or above in Mathematics separately.

Master Degree in MASS Communication & Journalism
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any discipline.

LL.M. Law
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Law

LL.M. In Human Rights
General Eligibility:
Graduate degree* of Law with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates)

Graduate degree from a recognized University only

MA/M.Sc./LL.M./MLISc course will be of 2 years (4 Semesters) and MCA will be of 3 years (6 Semesters).

University reserves 50% reservation to SC/ST in the ratio of 2:1. Reservation for Physically Handicapped, Kashmiri Migrant and NRI candidates will be as per Govt. of India/UGC Directives.

How to Apply
The Admission Brochure containing Application Form for Entrance Test can be obtained from 07th of April, 2008 from the Admission Cell of the University at Vidya Vihar Campus, Raebareli Road, Lucknow-226025 on payment of Rs. 300/- in cash (Rs. 75/- for SC/ST/PH candidate) or by remitting crossed demand draft in favour of the Finance Officer, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, payable at Lucknow, along with a self addressed stamped envelop of Rs. 50/- of Size 1x12 inches. Application Form is also available on University website or which may be submitted along with the fee. Payment in any other form will not be accepted.

Last date for receipt of Application Form complete in all respect is 16th May, 2008. Candidate can apply for more than one course by filling up separate Application Form for each.

Note : (1) Candidate due to appear in 2008 at the final year examination of the qualifying degree prescribed for admission may also appear in the Entrance Test but their admission would be provisional and subject to their fulfilling the eligibility criteria (as mentioned in the Admission Brochure). (2) The University may create/change/cancel any enter for the Entrance Test based on the number of candidates at its own discretion. (3) Though the University shall ensure timely dispatch of Application Form after the receipt of request from candidates, however, there will not be any responsibility of the University regarding any postal delay. (4) Incomplete Application Form and those without free and also received late will be summarily rejected. (5) The Application Form can be obtained from the University Sale Counter (Admission Cell) on all working days i.e. from Monday-Friday. University is also providing remedial coaching, UGC NET coaching & competitive exam coaching for SC/ST/Minorities students. University also offers Ph.D. programmes (with 50% reservation for SC/ST/in the ratio of 2:1. for which application forms and details may be obtained from Academic Section of the University. University (Non. NET UGC) Fellowship is also offered to the Research Scholars.