
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MA, MSc, MTech, Admissions 2011-2012

University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110 021

Applications have been invited by University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110 021 on the prescribed forms for admission to following Departments/courses:

(i) Applied Psychology / MA Applied Psychology

(ii) Genetics / MSc Genetics

(iii) Plant Molecular Biology / MSc Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

(iv) Electronics Science / MSc Electronics (50% seats Entrance)

(v) Electronics Science / MTech in Microwave Elect.

(vi) Institute of Informatics and Communication/ MSc Informatics

Application Forms:

1. Form for MSc Genetics can be downloaded from /

2. Form for MSc Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology can be submitted online / downloaded from

3. Form for MSc Informatics can also be downloaded from websites and
4. For MA Applied Psychology, Application can be availed on payment of Rs.100/- by cash or by post through DD. Entrance fee for General Rs.400/- and for SC / ST- Rs.100/- (Payable by DD only).
5. For MSc Genetics / MSc Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology / MSc Electronics / MTech in Microwave Electronics. / MSc Informatics, price of application / Brochure along with entrance fee - General / OBC Rs.500/- and for SC / ST Rs.250/- (Payable by DD only).

Application forms / brochures will also be obtainable (only during the dates of registration mentioned below) from the concerned department on all working days (excluding Sat / Sun and Holidays) or through post along with a self-addressed and stamped envelope (for Rs.30/-) size "12 X 9". Course applied for must be indicated on the envelope.

Registration Dates:
MA Applied Psychology: 23.06.11 to 07.07.11
MSc Genetics: 23.05.11 to 24.06.11
MSc Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: 01.06.11 to 20.06.11
MSc Electronics: 01.06.11 to 30.06.11
MTech in Microwave Elect.: 01.06.11 to 30.06.11
MSc Informatics: 29.04.11 to 13.05.11(By Post) 29.04.11 to 20.05.11(Through Counter)

Entrance Test Dates:
MA Applied Psychology: 09.07.11
MSc Genetics: 29.06.11
MSc Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: 27.06.11
MSc Electronics: 05.07.11
MTech in Microwave Elect.: 02.07.11
MSc Informatics: 12.06.11

For details, visit the link:

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